World Top Secret:
Our Earth IS Hollow!

World Top Secret:  Our Earth IS Hollow!
This Year in Eden!

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Rodney M. Cluff

World Top Secret:
Our Earth IS Hollow!
Could the earth, moon, planets and stars all be hollow bodies?

Amazingly, the answer is Yes!

And very likely inhabited within!

What is Our Hollow Earth like?
It is a terrestrial paradise,
...where the original Garden of Eden is located today
...where the Lost Tribes of Israel live
...where the Political Kingdom of God is located
...where the Lost Viking Colonies of Greenland migrated to
...where vanquished Germans escaped to after World War II
...where flying saucers come from
...where people live to be hundreds of years old in perfect health
...where peace and prosperity exists for everyone
...where a real life Jurassic Park exists with exotic animals
...where Heaven is located (the inner sun)
Review this hollow earth animation.
Learn more from those that have been there:
  • Olaf Jansen and his father Jens Jansen, Norwegian fishermen, accidentally discovered the North Polar Opening in 1829 in search of the "Chosen Ones" of their ancestors and entered the hollow earth where they lived for two and half years with the giant people there.  Olaf then returned to Sweden by way of the South Polar Opening after being rescued by a Scotland whaleboat from an iceberg.  His father was killed when their fishing boat was struck and sunk by the iceberg in Antarctica.  After arriving back home in Sweden, Olaf learned that his mother had died and his uncle helped him put his family's inheritance into his name.  He then told his Uncle Gustaf Osterlind about his voyage to Our Hollow Earth and tried to convince him to go with him on another voyage to the hollow earth.  His uncle convinced Olaf to divulge all he had discovered about Our Hollow Earth to the government authorities of Sweden, upon which they had him sign some papers which his uncle had insisted he sign, upon which Olaf was thrown in an Insane Asylum for 28 years until his uncle died, but his uncle got all his inheritance.  Olaf Jansen later immigrated to the United States and died in Los Angeles in 1908.  Here is a YouTube video recording of Olaf Jansen's story.  Shortly before his death, Olaf Jansen requested that his author friend Willis George Emerson publish his book, THE SMOKY GOD, (referring to the Inner Sun, which appears smoky at night, and is the throne of the god of the Inner Earth people, which they told Olaf was Jehovah).  Willis George Emerson was my 6th cousin three times removed.

    Olaf Jansen's Los Angeles address in the city directory for 1908.

    Olaf Jansen's Naturalization record while living near Batavia, Illinois between 1889 and 1901.
  • I-AM-THE-MAN, whom Hollow Earth researcher, Bruce Walton, discovered was William Morgan was sent to the hollow earth by the Freemasons with an Inner Earth Guide through a cavern in Kentucky in 1827, called the Cave of Zoroaster, which I believe could be the cave from which Adam and Eve emerged after being evicted from the Garden of Eden by God for having partaken of the forbidden fruit.  William Morgan returned years later from the holllow earth and gave the manuscript of his journey to Our Hollow Earth to Johannes Llewellyn Llongollyn Drury with his promise to get it published.  Johannes later got his friend John Uri Lloyd to publish the manuscript as ETIDORPHA, in about 1895.  The book describes the conditions of the earth within the caverns, how gravity gradually decreases as you descend to the Central Sphere of Gravity 700 miles beneath the outer surface in an 800 mile thick shell.  The first 10 miles is in darkness, but below that depth a phosphorescent glow gives light to your further descent.  At a depth of 150 miles they cross a large underground lake 6000 miles long in a skiff powered by antigravity.  Along one side of the lake is the beginnings of a volcano that erupts periodically in southern Italy.  Morgan's Inner Earth Guide explains how water spilling over a ledge from the lake causes the volcano to erupt as the water spontaneously combusts with pure space elements that the earth was made of such as phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium and sulfur, which is what causes lava to form, and the water turned to steam pushes it out to the earth's surface.  William Morgan's full name was Ward William Anthony Morgan (as you click on this link of William Morgan's full name, it will take you to Morgan's personal genealogical page in  If you don't have an account, you can create a free account in in order to login and see Morgan's page).  Captain William Morgan wrote a book before he was sent to the Hollow Earth by the Freemasons titled, The Mysteries of Freemasonry.  Ward William Anthony Morgan was the husband of my 7th cousin, Lucinda Pendleton, six times removed.
  • Karl Unger reached our hollow earth in 1943 as a refugee from World War II in the German Submarine U-209 captained by Heinrich Brodda, and wrote a letter back to his friend in Houston, Missouri, Tawani W. Shoush, President of the International Society for a Complete Earth, from the hollow interior of our earth.  Danny Weiss is now the President of the society because after Tawani received the letter from his friend Karl, he went to live in the hollow earth through a German colony in the Matto Grosso of the Brazilian jungle who had found a cavern that leads to the hollow earth.  Before going to the hollow earth, Karl Unger wrote a diary showing that he knew about the hollow earth before going there.  I have four pages of Karl Unger's dairy here:  Page 1, Page 2, Page 3 and Page 4.
  • Admiral Richard E. Byrd flew his airplane into Our Hollow Earth for the first time through the North Polar Opening in 1927, then again through both polar openings in 1929.  Then as part of Operation High Jump he flew half way through the South Polar Opening in 1946 and then in February 1947 he flew all the way into Our Hollow Earth looking for German refugees from World War II.  On this last flight he and his Operation High Jump Armada was repulsed by the Flying Saucers of the hollow earth because Byrd fired upon their saucer craft, according to author John B. Leith in his book, GENESIS FOR THE SPACE RACE, The Inner Earth and the Extra Terrestrials, copyrighted in 1980 and only recently published.  You can watch a three part video of Admiral Byrd's forage into Our Hollow Earth as part of Operation High Jump here:  Part One, Part Two, Part Three.  Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd, Jr. was the husband of my 8th cousin once removed (Maria Donaldson Ames).
  • Reinhold Schmidt, as reported in Alec MacMillan's book, The Hollow Earth Enigma (Mysteries of the Universe) was taken by a flying saucer from the Bakersfield quarry, California to Our Hollow Earth through the North Polar Opening on August 14, 1958 and returned five days later.  He describes flying through the North Polar Opening in the Arctic Ocean while looking out the translucent walls of the hollow earth flying saucer that took him twice through the opening, once while going into Our Hollow Earth and once when coming back out.  Reinhold Schmidt wrote a book which he made into a film both of which he called, The Edge of Tomorrow.  He also wrote, The Kearney Incident - Up to Now.  Reinhold Schmidt's full name was Reinhold Oscar Albert Schmidt.  Newspaper article on Reinhold Schmidt:  Los Angeles Times, California March 19, 1960.  In two pages from Alec MacMillan’s book, The Hollow Earth Enigma, he writes about Reinhold Schmidt, which MacMillan  got from a UFO Report article.  In the UFO Report article, Reinhold speaks about his 1958 flight aboard the space craft through a giant hole in the Arctic Ocean into the Hollow Earth where he saw the Inner Sun, which he omitted from his book, The Edge of Tomorrow.  There are two reasons why I believe the UFO people Schmidt met were not from Saturn as Schmidt reports they told him, but actually were from the Hollow Earth are:  1)  the 12 foot in diameter horizontal propellers Schmidt described on each end of their craft that gave their craft anti-gravity propulsion is very similar to Olaf Jansen's description of the propellers on top of each Hollow Earth mono-rail train car that Olaf and his father took from the City of Jehu to their capital City of Eden, which propellers removed the downward push of gravity to help the mono-rail train travel easier, and 2) Schmidt reported that the UFO people onboard the space craft that took him to the Hollow Earth spoke between themselves in the High German language, which indicates to me they were most probably refugees from Germany to the Hollow Earth after World War II as descibed in John B. Leith's book, Genesis for a New Space Age.  The famous astronomer that testified at Reinhold Schmidt's trial to get him unjustly committed to the California State Penitentiary, Dr. Carl Sagan, Dr. Steven Greer claims he has in his posession documentation proving Dr. Carl Sagan worked for the CIA in attempting to disprove the existence of UFOs.
  • Ret. Col. Billie F. Woodard was taken in a flying saucer to our hollow earth through the North Polar Opening at the age of 12 in 1964 and returned six months later.  Later while working at Area 51 in Nevada, he was taken to our hollow earth four times on special missions for our military in a hollow earth tunnel train after Area 51 workers broke into their tunnel beneath Area 51.  Here is a YouTube video interview of Billie.  I have met with and talked with Billie many times.
  • Dr. Hank Krastman, Los Angeles Attorney, was taken by Karl Kopavi Waltz [of the Waltz clan of the Hopi nation] through a cavern entrance to Our Hollow Earth in 1961 near where the Little Colorado River empties into the Grand Canyon, Arizona when he was about 26 years old and attending Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff.  Hank Krastman's full name was Gert Hendrik Krastman.  Expedition member BK met with Hank Krastman in Los Angeles before he married a woman from the Phillipines.  I also spoke with him over the phone before he moved to the Phillipines where he passed away.  I tried, unsuccessfully, to get his widow to let me publish his book, Kopavi, that relates his trip to the hollow earth through the cavern near the Grand Canyon.
  • Phoebe Marie Holmes in her book, My Visit to The Sun relates how she was taken by two angels to the hollow interior of our outer Sun to visit her mansion in the New Jerusalem being built there for us by Jesus and all the resurrected prophets and Saints.  After the Earth's death and resurrection into a Celestial World after the year 3020, the New Jerusalem will be brought from the Sun and will take the place of our Inner Sun to be the home of all of us worthy of becoming Celestial Beings.  Phoebe's maiden name was Phoebe Marie Foote.  Phoebe Marie Foote Holmes was the wife of my 9th cousin once removed (Americus V. Holmes).  In support of Phoebe Marie Holme's assertion that our outer Sun is hollow is the scientific work of Michael Mozini.  On his website, The Surface of the Sun, Michael provides ample evidence from solar observing satellites that our outer Sun has a solid surface.  For example, a video of a Sun quake occurring on the solid surface of the Sun generates tsunami waves in a liquid covering the solid surface of the Sun, which Michael thinks is liquid silicon.  As the tsunami wave goes out from the epicenter of the Sun quake, the wave washes over mountain features on the surface of the Sun as you can see in the video.  Additionally, satellite imagery of the sun in the spectroscopy vibrational range of iron show surface features on the Sun like valleys and mountain ranges that all rotate at the same rate from pole to pole showing that the Sun rotates at a rate of 27.3 earth days for one rotation of the Sun, which amazingly is the same rotation rate of earth's Moon.  The significance of this scientific evidence that the Sun has a solid surface is that the Sun would have to be hollow since it does not have enough mass to be solid all the way through its diameter.  The fact that the Sun has a strong magnetic field is evidence also that the Sun is hollow and has a solid core (the New Jerusalem) that rotates at a different rate than the Sun's solid shell.  Since the days of Skylab, coronal holes have been photographed at the Sun's poles, which could be caused by polar openings in the the Sun's solid shell located at the Sun's poles which could serve as entrances into the Sun's hollow interior.  If the Sun has a shell 10% of its diameter in thickness, as I believe the Earth has, I have calculated that the Sun's shell would have a density of 2.86 gm/cc, which is denser than glass.
  • The Lost Viking Colonies of Greenland migrated to the hollow earth through the North Polar Opening as related to Lt. Green by the Greenland Eskimos.
  • Commander Valient Thor, head of the Council of the Twelve of the hollow interior world of Venus, and commander of a Venusian spaceship 7 miles long and 3 miles tall told Dr. Frank Stranges that all the planets including Venus and Earth are hollow and inhabited within.  Dr. Frank E. Stranges first met Commander Valient Thor at the Pentagon in 1959.  He had been there three years after landing in his flying saucer and requesting two policemen to be taken to the Pentagon to meet with the President.  In the Oval Office, Valient Thor gave President Eisenhower a book of instructions on how the people of Venus could help our world eliminate all sickness, poverty and even death.  After reviewing the book for one year, President Eisenhower returned the book to Valient Thor saying his advisors told him we could not accept their offer because it would destroy our economy.  In 1990, my wife and I met another contactee, Howard Menger, at a UFO conference in Phoenix, Arizona.  He had on display a model flying saucer he constructed outside Colorado Springs for the military with participating industry, which he test flew successfully back in the 1950's.  They promised him a $1,500 check for the rest of his life.  After a year, the checks stopped coming.  He went back to the facility near Colorado Springs where they built the flying saucer with his instructions, and there was now only an empty field.  They had become an Unacknowledged Project and gone underground.  Howard had learned how to build a flying saucer from people from Venus who had contacted him since childhood.  They had come to Earth to help us, and asked his assistance.  He would help them learn our customs and help them get jobs on Earth.  Finally, he asked them if they would do something for him.  He asked them if they could take him to the Moon.  They told him to meet them out in the country from his home at midnight.  A flying saucer came down and he and another man who was also waiting there boarded.  When the saucer took off, Howard says he didn't feel any G-forces.  They took him to an Alien base on the far side of the moon, the side we never see from Earth.  At this base, Howard says he met people from all the planets in our Solar System.  The reason NASA has not detected any life on the exterior surfaces of any of the planets, is because they live on their interior worlds.  All the planets are hollow and inhabited within, as Commander Valient Thor told Dr. Frances E. Stranges.  Apparently, there is a United Federation of Planets, and our surface world is the only people that do not belong to it.
  • Dr. Nephi Livesay Cottam of Los Angeles, originally from Salt Lake City, Utah relates how one of his chiropractic patients of Norwegian descent told him of his visit to the North Countries of Our Hollow Earth through the North Polar Opening with his friend in a sail boat that also had an engine, as related in Michael X. Barton's book, RAINBOW CITY AND THE INNER EARTH PEOPLE.  Dr. Nephi Livesay Cottam was the husband of my 10th cousin three times removed (Edwardena Parry).
  • The Lost Soviet Flyers on a flight across the Arctic from Moscow to Fairbanks, Alaska, in 1937 accidentally flew through the North Polar Opening into Our Hollow Earth and never returned.
  • Up until the year 1907, the Macuxie Indians of northern Brazil made regular trips to Our Hollow Earth through a cavern that had a regular pattern of air blowing out of the cavern for five days and one day the air blew in.  They took petroleum torches to light their way for the first three days of the journey descending on 32 inch steps dug into the rock of the cavern.  At the bottom of the stairway, artificial light bulbs lighted their way.  They passed through giant cavern rooms that were also artificially lit by lights that shown as bright as the sun where fruit and nut trees grew.  At a point beyond the halfway mark they came to the Central Sphere of Gravity where they would float in the air.  They would pull themselves along grabbing hold of iron handles attached to the cavern wall.  As they advanced, their weight would return, but before their full weight had returned they reached the inner surface of Our Hollow Earth where the friendly giants there would give them giant fish, apples larger than their heads and grapes as large as their fists.  They would enjoy themselves on the beaches of the Hollow Earth world gaining strength and rejuvination from the Inner Sun, then the giants would help them take their fish and fruit back to our outer surface world.  In 1907, some British men arrived and the giants sealed off the cavern.
  • In 1916, the Ogden, Utah newspaper, Standard-Examiner, published a story of some Eskimos that lived on Thetis Island north of Alaska, who had taken a fishing expedition into the Arctic Ocean, but who became stranded on an ice floe for several weeks before drifting on the Beaufort Gyre to the land of the "midnight sun" where they discovered Tyrannosaurus Rex dinosaurs devouring animals, including two of their own men.  They found a dead tyrannosaurus and cut off a foot square piece as evidence of their story and returned to Alaska on another ice floe, showing their frozen piece of dinosaur to white fur traders in Fairbanks.

Learn about the marvelous terrestrial paradise that is Our Hollow Earth.  If you go, let us know about your journey to paradise.  Details on how to get there are in my book...

Do the hollow earth people have a message for us?  There are many things in the late Larry Foreman's book, Passport to Eternity, that makes me believe that the flying saucer people he met out in the desert outside Los Angeles in 1960 are actually from our hollow earth. 

They gave a message to Larry for all of us:  Our planet is a prison planet and we were placed here for something that our ancestors did. 

Our ancestors were Adam and Eve, who broke a commandment given them by the Creator:  Do not partake of the forbidden fruit.  The punishment for breaking that commandment was that it caused them to become mortal beings, (but also changed their bodies so that they could have children -- us) and they were expelled from His presence from their home in the Garden of Eden to our surface world.  We, as their descendants are all living out a prison sentence on this prison planet we call Earth.  We are on "probation" as the scriptures say (2 Nephi 2:21), with a veil of forgetfulness placed over our minds in which we cannot remember that we all were faithful to God in our pre-existent life in heaven (Jude 1:6, Abraham 3:26 first estate), and we were placed here on this earth as a test to see if here in this second estate we would be willing to obey the Creator's commandments of our own free will and desire, so that we can go back to live in our Creator's presence. 

The flying saucer people came to tell Larry that they have a project they call, "Project Milana."  They told Larry to let us know in his book that our prison sentence on this planet is about up and that they are coming to take us back home.  The clue of what is going to happen is the drawing on Larry Foreman's book cover depicting a solar flare from the Sun with a countdown on it to when the Earth will be hit by a solar flare and burn to ashes all who have not been rescued (Malachi 4:1-3).  My estimate to when this will occur is about fourteen years from the year 2021 as described in my Last Days Timeline when the earth will be hit by a devastating solar flare

Before that happens, the flying saucer people say they are coming to take us back home.  That is, those of us that deserve to be taken back home, which I doubt would include murderers, liars, thieves, adulterers, and war mongers, in short, all who insist on breaking the Creator's laws. 

The flying saucer people told Larry they can requisition enough space craft to evacuate the surface of the planet in ONE week!  And take us home.  There in their terrestrial paradise they will tend to our every need.  If you have lost an arm, they will grow another one.  If you have lost an eye, you will get a new eye. If you have broken your back, they will grow you a new spinal cord and put it in.  All our needs will be provided so that we can all have perfect health.  If they need help with the repair work, they will train our doctors to help.  They even have immortality technology, to make us all young and healthy, so that we need never die or get sick again.

Our original home was the Garden of Eden.  They say they come from the center of the Universe where there are two planets that share the same atmosphere -- which is a concealed way of saying they are really from the Center of the Earth -- the Hollow Earth, since we share our atmosphere with them through the polar openings.  They told Larry that they live lives that we would consider "heaven," and that kind of life will be ours also, when we go to live with them. 

Deuteronomy 30:4 calls the land of Our Hollow Earth, the "outmost parts of heaven" where the Lost Tribes of Israel were driven to.  The prophet Isaiah wrote that in the last days God would "...set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth."  (Isaiah 11:12) The four corners of the Earth is the Garden of Eden, where out of flows four rivers to the four cardinal points of the compass.

The flying saucer people told Larry that their capital city is on their southern hemisphere.  As you can see, in William Reed's depiction of Our Hollow Earth here, the hollow earth ocean inside our Earth is under Asia, and their continent is under America, since they have only one continent and one ocean, as reported by Olaf Jansen.  The directions of the compass in Our Hollow Earth are the exact opposite of ours on the surface world.  So their southern continental hemisphere is under our northern continental hemisphere of North America.  Which means that their capital city is under North America.  I have concluded that it is, in fact, located 800 miles beneath Jackson County, Missouri. 

Their capital city is the City of Eden, built next to the original Garden of Eden, where Olaf Jansen found it in 1830 when he sailed there with his father "beyond the north wind" through the north polar opening, into the interior of Our Hollow Earth where "the chosen people" live.  They explained to Olaf that the garden he was taken to inside Our Hollow Earth was none other than the "navel of the earth," and "the cradle of the human race," and is called "Eden" and is located on the highest mountain plateau of the inner continent on their southern hemisphere.  Since the directions of the compass are reverse of what they are on our surface world, our south pole is their north pole, then their southern hemisphere is beneath our northern hemisphere, and their capital city is beneath North America.  The coordinates the saucer men gave Larry for their capital city were:  South South West 1/4 9' 3" 10 sid, according to their coordinate system.

I believe the next frontier will be the exploration and colonization of hollow planets, beginning with our own.  More than likely, we may find that they are already inhabited by humans like us, and probably more advanced that we are.  In which case, it would be in our best interest to befriend them and learn from them.  Perhaps we could become more like them -- because the evidence indicates that the peoples of other worlds are friendly and much more highly advanced spiritually in their closeness to God, as well as in the sciences, and technology.

You are invited to join me in this quest of the exploration and perhaps colonization of the final frontier - hollow worlds.  One of the first things we must do is create our base camp, which I call the City of Light, from which we can launch our exploration of hollow planets and where we can develop the advanced exotic technologies needed to assist our exploration efforts.

Rodney M. Cluff



© Copyright World Top Secret: Our Earth IS Hollow! 2024, Rodney M. Cluff. All rights reserved.

Voyage to Our Hollow Earth