Animals of the Hollow Earth


When Olaf and Jens Jansen were arriving at the seaport City of Jehu after being picked up on the River Hiddekel by the Hollow Earth pleasure ship, the Naz, he reported seeing cattle.  He wrote,

"In many directions along the foothills of the mountains vast herds of cattle were seen during the last day of our travel on the river."

Giant Crocodiles

A meat-eating creature is mentioned in the book, THE COMING RACE, by Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton.  When the author had descended with his friend, where the owner of the mine had previously seen some light in the depths of a newly opened crevasse, they found a tunnel lit with street lights. The author successfully lowered himself to the tunnel floor from the crevasse, but his friend, as he descended with the rope they had attached to a spike in the wall of the crevasse suddenly fell when the spike broke the rock wall and the broken pieces of the rock wall fell on his companion killing him.  The author started to try to dig him out of the pile of rocks, but then heard a sound behind him.  He turned around and a meat eating "monstrous reptile resembling that of a crocodile or alligator, but infinitely larger than the largest creature of that kind I had ever beheld in my travels" was coming at him from down the tunnel.  He immediately fled down the tunnel in the opposite direction hoping to outrun the creature.  Then feeling bad about leaving his friend under the pile of rocks with the creature, he returned to find that the creature had made off with his friend.

Later, after the author had wandered down the tunnel and found a city in a giant cavern of the Vril-Ya people, he went with the son of the city Chief to lure out that crocodile.  He was asked to wander down near a lake in the cavern as bait to the crocodile.  When the crocodile saw him and started his attack, the Chief's son shot it with his Vril tube gun which vaporized the creature before it could reach the author.

Tyrannosaurus Rex

In 1916, an article appeared in the Ogden, Utah, newspaper, Standard-Examiner, regarding the story of some Eskimos that came into Fairbanks, Alaska with some pelts, and a frozen square foot piece of a dinosaur, the Tyrannosaurus Rex.  The Eskimos related how a group of their hunters had gone on a fishing expedition north of their Alaskan island of Thetis out on the ice of the Arctic Ocean.  The ice suddenly broke up and left them stranded on an ice floe.  After many weeks of drifting, the ice floe with the Eskimo hunters floated on the Beaufort Gyre to the land of the "midnight sun."  They managed to find enough food to keep them alive and wandered inland hoping to find human beings.  For many days they treked through snowy mountainous country until they found a fertile plateau with no snow.  The plateau consisted of marshy land and had a large lake from which clouds of steam were issuing.  Here they found enough food for a delicious meal and fell asleep after their arduous journey.  Soon the expedition leader was aroused by a whining sound.  Peering over a rocky formation he saw a monster 50 feet in length with a huge head, long neck and long tail.  It had large and powerful hind legs, but its forward ones were short.  He sent a couple of explorers to check out the monster which attacked them.  On his first rush towards the two Eskimos, they moved aside, but then with its tail, it hit them and knocked them out, then ate them.  Scared, the rest of the Eskimos fled back into the mountainous snowy country, but returned when they found little game there to kill.  This time, as they explored the plateau, they found many bones and three toed dinosaur tracks everywhere.  On one of their hunts the Eskimos discovered the dead body of a "demon" dinosaur and cut off a piece to take back as proof of their find.  Then over near the hot water lake, they saw a live "demon" dinosaur pursing a musk ox.  It rushed the musk ox, knocked it down with its bulky tail, then ate it.  This was too much for these brave Eskimo explorers.  They returned to the snowy mountains and finally to the sea and getting on an ice flow, they prayed to their god of fate that the winds would carry them back to their island of Thetis.  After many weeks with the food they had brought from the land of the midnight sun, they reached their home with some pelts and a frozen piece of the "demon" dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus Rex."

Woolly Mammoth, Hairy Rhinoceros, Reindeer, Hippopotamus, Lion, Giant Deer, Horse and Hyena

In John B. Leith's book, GENESIS FOR THE SPACE AGE, in Chapter X, he reported that,

"During the following year, 1927, (the author confirmed) Byrd and Bennett flew again to the top of the world but this time they penetrated into the earth's interior. Their new sponsor was the United States Navy. They departed in secret from an unknown base at an unknown time, and to this day no official word of that flight has been made available to biographers or compilers. Byrd is reported to have flown a total of 1,700 miles, the most astonishing time of which was spent inside the earth's interior. His diary of the event records sightings of what looked like prehistoric animals, green forests, mountains, lakes, rivers in a warm climate where tall, fair people waved to the fliers. Pictures of these interior locales were actually seen by the researcher."

In F. Amadeo Giannini's 1959 book, WORLDS BEYOND THE POLES, he wrote of Richard Byrd's flight beyond the North Pole,

"As progress was made beyond the Pole point, there was observed directly under the plane's course iceless land and lakes, and mountains where foliage was abundant. Moreover, a brief newspaper account of the flight held that a member of the admiral's crew had observed a monstrous greenish-hued animal moving through the underbrush of that land beyond the Pole."

Olaf Jansen reported seeing a great herd of giant elephants in his voyage with his father to the Hollow Earth in 1829.  After passing through the North Polar Opening northeast of the Franz Josef Land islands, they came to the Inner Continent and sailed up the Hiddekel River.  They were met there by a ship from the Hollow Earth nation of giants who took them in and taught them their language of Sanskrit.  They were then taken to their capital city of Eden on the highest mountain plateau of the Inner Continent where they met with their king, the Great High Priest Over all the Land.  He offered to have them taken on a tour of their country.  Olaf Jansen wrote,

"One day we saw a great herd of elephants. There must have been five hundred of these thunder-throated monsters, with their restlessly waving trunks. They were tearing huge boughs from the trees and trampling smaller growth into dust like so much hazel-brush. They would average over 100 feet in length and from 75 to 85 in height.

It seemed, as I gazed upon this wonderful herd of giant elephants, that I was again living in the public library at Stockholm, where I had spent much time studying the wonders of the Miocene age. I was filled with mute astonishment, and my father was speechless with awe. He held my arm with a protecting grip, as if fearful harm would overtake us. We were two atoms in this great forest, and, fortunately, unobserved by this vast herd of elephants as they drifted on and away, following a leader as does a herd of sheep. They browsed from growing herbage which they encountered as they traveled, and now and again shook the firmament with their deep bellowing."  THE SMOKY GOD, Part Four.

Many of the land animals of the Hollow Earth up near the polar opening in winter fall in crevasses in the ice of the River Hiddekel and later in summer are washed out to sea and end up on the Arctic shores.  George Emerson, who edited and published Olaf Jansen's book, THE SMOKY GOD, wrote,

"On the northern boundaries of Alaska, and still more frequently on the Siberian coast, are found bone-yards containing tusks of ivory in quantities so great as to suggest the burying-places of antiquity. From Olaf Jansen's account, they have come from the great prolific animal life that abounds in the fields and forests and on the banks of numerous rivers of the Inner World. The materials were caught in the ocean currents, or were carried on ice-floes, and have accumulated like driftwood on the Siberian coast. This has been going on for ages, and hence these mysterious bone-yards.

"On this subject William F. Warren, in his book already cited, pages 297 and 298, says: 'The Arctic rocks tell of a lost Atlantis more wonderful than Plato's. The fossil ivory beds of Siberia excel everything of the kind in the world. From the days of Pliny, at least, they have constantly been undergoing exploitation, and still they are the chief headquarters of supply. The remains of mammoths are so abundant that, as Gratacap says, 'the northern islands of Siberia seem built up of crowded bones.' Another scientific writer, speaking of the islands of New Siberia, northward of the mouth of the River Lena, uses this language: 'Large quantities of ivory are dug out of the ground every year. Indeed, some of the islands are believed to be nothing but an accumulation of drift-timber and the bodies of mammoths and other antediluvian animals frozen together.' From this we may infer that, during the years that have elapsed since the Russian conquest of Siberia, useful tusks from more than twenty thousand mammoths have been collected."

Several of these Hollow Earth mammoths have been found frozen near the shores of the Arctic Ocean.

Mammoth found frozen in Siberian Ice

In fact, a mammoth was actually found encased in an iceberg. In J.W. Buel's, THE WORLD'S WONDER'S, we read that in 1799, a fisherman of Tongoose, named Schumachoff discovered a tremendous elephant preserved in a huge block of ice clear as crystal along the banks of the river Lena that empties into the Arctic Ocean from Siberia. The flesh was cut off for dog meat and fed upon by wolves until as a skeleton it was removed to the St. Petersburg Museum of Natural History. Other fresh frozen mammoths were later discovered and scientific banquets featuring ancient foods including the supposedly ancient frozen mammoth were held.  Scientists know that these frozen animals were frozen instantaneously, because when opening them up for the first time after their discovery, they have found undigested food in their stomachs, indicating that they had frozen so fast that the food that they had just eaten did not have time to digest.

Robert B. Cook, writing in the magazine KNOWLEDGE for 1884, tells of the remains of not only mammoths but of hairy rhinoceros, reindeer, hippopotamus, lion, giant deer, horse and hyena, found in the northern glacial deposits and cannot explain why the supposedly extinct prehistoric mammoth is lying side by side of the remains of present-day wildlife. The truth of the matter is that all these animals were trapped in the frozen rivers in the interior and floated out in the icebergs many of which came to rest on the shores of Siberia and other northern coasts thereby depositing their trapped and preserved loads of frozen animals.

Baby Mammoth found frozen in Northern Siberia in 1977

In 1977, a baby mammoth was found in Siberia smashed by the ice of the river it fell into in Our Hollow Earth where it froze and later was pushed out to sea where it ended up on the shores of our outer world.

In the summer of 2020, THE GUARDIAN news outlet reported the remains of a woolly mammoth was found in a shallow lake on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia. The article says that it is the discovery of the remains of a 10,000 year old mammoth. And yet, with the remains was found skin, tendons, bones and even excrement. Most likely, this mammoth was alive not very many years ago in Our Hollow Earth and floated out through the North Polar Opening in the icebergs that it got caught in one winter when it fell into a frozen over inner earth river that empties into the Arctic Ocean within the polar opening. With the warm summer sun shining into the opening, the icebergs then later broke free of the river and floated out to sea with its frozen mammoth and ended up just a few hundred miles to the south of the polar opening at its final resting place on the Yamal Peninsula.

Giant Penguins

Just before their way out of the Hollow Earth through the South Polar Opening in 1831, Olaf Jansen and his father saw a live giant penguin nine feet tall.  Olaf Jansen wrote,

"After breakfast we started out on an inland tour of discovery, but had not gone far when we sighted some birds which we recognized at once as belonging to the penguin family. They are flightless birds, but excellent swimmers and tremendous in size, with white breast, short wings, black head, and long peaked bills. They stand fully nine feet high. They looked at us with little surprise, and presently waddled, rather than walked, toward the water, and swam away in a northerly direction."

A skeleton of a giant penguin 6 feet 8 inches tall was found on Seymour Island on the Antarctic Peninsula that borders on the west of the Weddell Sea.  This giant penguin most likely originated from Our Hollow Earth where it probably got caught in an iceberg that fell on it deep freezing it to death.  It could have then been pushed out with the icebergs from the Inner Earth ocean that empties into the Weddell Sea through the South Polar Opening.

Another skeleton of a giant penguin that could have floated out the South Polar Opening through the Weddell Sea, is one that ended up on New Zealand's South Island that was discovered in 2017.

Giant Sea Turtles

Olaf Jansen reported that in 1831 on their tour of the inner world,

"After we had been in the city of Hectea about a week, Professor Galdea took us to an inlet, where we saw thousands of tortoises along the sandy shore. I hesitate to state the size of these great creatures. They were from twenty-five to thirty feet in length, from fifteen to twenty feet in width and fully seven feet in height. When one of them projected its head it had the appearance of some hideous sea monster."

Bird and Fish Life

Olaf Jansen reported that,

"We saw innumerable specimens of bird-life no larger than those encountered in the forests of Europe or America...Whether inland among the mountains, or along the seashore, we found bird life prolific. When they spread their great wings some of the birds appeared to measure thirty feet from tip to tip. They are of great variety and many colors. We were permitted to climb up on the edge of a rock and examine a nest of eggs. There were five in the nest, each of which was at least two feet in length and fifteen inches in diameter."

Explorer Kane reported seeing several groups of Brent Geese, which is an American migratory bird, flying NORTHEAST in their wedge-shaped line of flight at 80 degrees 50' north at Cape Jackson, near Grinnell Land in late June 1854.

Arctic Explorer Greely also wrote about the Ross’s Gull,

"...the observations of Murdoch at Point Barrow show that this bird, in thousands, passes over that point to the NORTHEAST in October, none of which were seen to return." (THREE YEARS, p. 383)

Numerous fish, such as, mackerel and herring; animals, such as, whale, seal, Arctic fox, reindeer and musk-oxen; birds, such as, knots, swans, snow geese, blue geese, brent geese, horned wavy geese, and ross’s gull, migrate to and from the unknown north country each spring or fall to have their young or to escape the cold winter. (Gardner, Chapter 12) 

In the book by Jack Denton Scott, JOURNEY INTO SILENCE, page 107, he quoted the captain of the Havella, a Norwegian ship, regarding the Ross Gull, “Ross’s Gull!  We don’t see them often.  Most naturalists never see one.  Mystery birds.  They don’t go south.  Breed in eastern Siberia then fly north over the Polar Sea.  No one knows where they are between October and June.”   Michael Densley in his book, IN SEARCH OF ROSS’S GULL, said he found a colony of Ross’s Gull on the northeastern coast of Siberia, and reported seeing several unknown strange species of birds among them.

Explorer Adolf Erick Nordenskiold, leader of a Swedish expedition, recorded in THE ARCTIC VOYAGE OF 1858-1878, that on May 23, they saw north of Amsterdam Island (by Spitsbergen),

"…great numbers of barnacle geese...flying towards the NORTHWEST, perhaps to some land more northerly than Spitsbergen. (There is no such land on our present-day maps) The existence of such a land," wrote Nordenskiold, "is considered quite certain by the walrus-hunters, who state that at the most northerly point hitherto reached, such flocks of birds are seen steering their course in rapid flight yet farther toward the north." (Gardner, p. 160)

In HEARNES JOURNAL, is told of observations around Hudson's Bay by Hearne of ten species of geese, particularly the snow goose, blue goose, brent goose, and horned wavy goose, lay their eggs and raise their young in some country which to Hearne was unknown. Explorers, Indians and Eskimos could never tell where these fowl bred and it was well known that they never migrated to the south.

Epes Sargent in his WONDERS OF THE ARCTIC WORLD tells that Franklin's second expedition saw large numbers of laughing geese migrating to the unknown north -- sure indication of land to the north. And this was observed on the north coast of Canada latitude 69 degrees 29" N., longitude 130 degrees 19 minutes W., on July 13. (Sargent, p. 163).

Newton in his ARCTIC MANUAL, wrote as follows concerning the migrations of the Knot,

"The the spring seeks our island (England) in immense flocks, and after remaining on the coast for about a fortnight, can be traced proceeding gradually northwards, until finally, it takes leave of us. It has been noticed in Iceland and Greenland, but not to stay; the summer there would be too rigorous for its liking, and it goes further and further north. Whither? Where does it build its nest and hatch its young? We lose all trace of it for some weeks. What becomes of it?"

"Toward the end of summer back it comes to us in larger flocks than before, and both old birds and young birds remain upon our coasts until November, or, in mild seasons even later. Then it wings its flight to the south, and luxuriates in blue skies and balmy airs until the following spring, then it resumes the order of its migration." (Gardner pp. 259-260)

Surely these migrations indicate a land further north than Greenland and Spitsbergen with an ideal climate for the breeding grounds of these migratory birds and animals.  That land is the Inner Continent within the North Polar Opening of Our Hollow Earth.