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Our Earth IS Hollow!

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Rodney M. Cluff

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1/13/2025.  One of my list members sent me a link to a  NOAA relief image showing the location of the South Polar Opening.  I have placed the opening in the center of this image here.  My estimate of the South Polar Opening location is 85 S 50 W as depicted on this Google Earth map that shows the route Admiral Byrd took through the South Polar Opening from McMurdo Base in 1947 during Operation High Jump as reported by John B. Leith in his book, Genesis for the Space Race.

1/6/2025.  On December 30th, Paul Breckell of Beyond the Paradigm podcast interviewed me on the Hollow Earth theory.  I discussed how orthodox science claims that the interior of the earth has a solid core surrounded by a molten outer core with a plastic mantel up to the solid crust of the earth without a single witness that has been there to prove their theory. 

Yet on the home page of my website, I list about 14 people or groups of people that have been to Our Hollow Earth and returned to tell us that our earth is 50% hollow with a shell that is about 800 miles thick from the outer surface to the inner surface with polar openings located at 85 degrees north and south latitude that begin at about 900 miles in diameter and gradually slope into the earth.  Half way through the opening, the neck of the opening is about 125 miles in diameter, according to Admiral Richard Byrd who flew his airplane through the North Polar Opening in 1927, and through the South Polar Opening in 1947 as part of Operation High Jump. 

Additionally, orthodox science tells us that everywhere inside a hollow earth there would be zero gravity, yet those that have been to Our Hollow Earth and returned to tell us about it report that the people there have their feet as solidly planted on the inner surface as we do on our outer surface, even though with less gravity (my estimate is that their surface gravity is about 43% of ours).  Their gravity is less than ours but NOT zero gravity. 

Additionally, they have an Inner Sun that gives light and life to the interior world where several groups of people have immigrated to or travelled there, including 1) The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel in about 450 BC, 2) The Lost Viking Colonies of Greenland sometime before 1721 AD, 3) Some Eskimos especially those that go there through the North Polar Opening for free medical care and others that have gone there to hunt, 4) Norwegian fishermen including Olaf and Jens Jansen, and the Norwegian patient (with his buddy) of Dr. Nephi Livesay Cottom of Salt Lake City, 5) William Morgan who was taken there by his Inner Earth Guides in 1827 through a cavern in Kentucky, as requested by the Free Masons, 6) The German refugees from World War II, including Karl Unger who reached Our Hollow Earth in 1943 in the German Submarine U-209 captained by Heinrich Brodda, as well as hundreds of thousands of German refugees who escaped to Our Hollow Earth through a cavern near the headwaters of the Amazon which was discovered in the 1500's by some German families that were hired by the Portuguese to build a fort on the east side of the Andes Mountains to defend against the Spanish, as described in John B. Leith's book, Genesis for the Space Race, 7) Dr. Hank Krastman who was taken by a Hopi Indian through their opening in the Grand Canyon to their Hopi Indian city in Our Hollow Earth in 1961.

There was not time in the podcast interview to relate the numerous people that have been to Our Hollow Earth and returned to tell us that it is a paradise there where people live with perfect health to a thousand or more years of life with a technology far in advance than ours -- certainly more people than orthodox scientists have of people going to their molten outer core earth to come back to tell us what it was like, because NO scientist has EVER been there to tell us what it is like in support of their inner earth theory.  In fact, orthodox scientists do not want to go to Inner Earth to see what it is like, as illustrated by the Russians having just recently capped off their Kola Superdeep Borehole with concrete.  The Russian bore hole began in 1970 and reached a depth of 7.619 miles in 1989.

12/31/2024.  An urgent matter has come to my attention.  With the advent of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC's) that is being attempted to be implemented in our world by the governments of Earth working in tandem with the media and central bankers, the very real end to all our freedom is threatening our civilization.  At all costs every person on this planet that loves his freedom must do all he can to reject CBDC's and retain our cash and coin monetary systems or face the actual END TO MONEY and the consequences that will bring.  Watch The End of Money documentary film to learn more about this threat.

There is an alternative.  There are two civilizations that have existed for more than a thousand years that used NO money.  First is the Hollow Earth civilization that has existed for 2,500 years that uses NO monetary system.

The other civilization that used NO monetary system are the american indians that called themselves the Nemenhah who migrated from southern Mexico south of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec from the land of Zarahemla.  This migration into the Land Northward occurred in about 60 BC spoken of in The Book of Mormon in Alma Chapter 63 by the people of Hagoth and Corianton.  Hagoth was a ship builder, who built ships based on the plans of the ship built by Nephi his ancestor.  The families of Lehi and Ishmael migrated from the land of Jerusalem to Ancient America in 600 BC in Nephi's ship which God taught him how to build. 

Centuries later, in MesoAmerica, Corianton son of Alma the Younger, married Isabel his convert to the gospel of Jesus Christ, took one of Hagoth's ships built on the Gulf of Mexico side of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and migrated into Canada and settled east of Hudson Bay. 

Hagoth with some Christian Nephites and Ammonites took a ship built on the western side of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec up the western coast of Mexico up the Gulf of California to where the Colorado River empties into the gulf.  He then built some canoes from one of his ships and with 12 Nephite families and 12 Ammonite families rowed up the Colorado River, which they called the River Akish, which means "Red" river, through the Grand Canyon to the Four Corners area where they built the City of Hagoth.  After living there for some time, they decided to split because some Gadiantonhem had come up from the Land Southward to harvest the forests.  The Nemenhah did not want to live with the Gadiantonhem, so they split.  Some went out to live on the plains, but Hagoth and some of his people went to live in the mountains.  They settled in the San Pete County valley in Utah where they built a city called Mentinah, which today is Manti.  Both groups became what they called themselves, the Nemenhah, the People That Follow the Promptings of the Holy Ghost.  They built villages and cities all over the United States, Canada and the islands of the Pacific.  They had prophets of God called by Jesus Christ.  They had temples, and lived the law of consecration and stewardships having all things in common for over 1,500 years. 

After visiting the Nephites in Bountiful in the Yucatan, the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ visited both Mentinah and and Corianton's city.  He promised the Nemenhah people that their descendants would bring again Zion in the Last Days before Christ's Second Coming. Samuel the Lamanite came from Corianton's city in Canada and was Corianton and Isabel's grandson.  Samuel also created the Hill Cumorah cavern archives. 

The Hill Cumorah in Palmyra, New York, was where the Angel Moroni gave the golden plates of the Nephite history to Joseph Smith, which Joseph Smith translated into English with the help of the Urim and Thummim that God had given to the Brother of Jared before the Jaredites immigrated to America from the Tower of Babel.  After translating this record, graven in an ancient language on gold plates, with the Urim and Thummim which had been buried with the record, Joseph Smith published it as The Book of Mormon in 1830. 

The Nemenhah record states that Mormon's family came from the Nemenhah city of Wit Chi Tim, which today is Wichita, Kansas.

After the great war that destroyed the Nephite Nation, Moroni, son of Mormon became the High Priest of Mentinah. He married the niece of the previous High Priest of Mentinah, Heinmet, and lived to a ripe old age of 142 years. Under his leadership, temples were built in nearly all Nemenhah cities and villages, which they called The High Places, because temple worship of our Savior Jesus Christ was central to the lives of these people.  Moroni united all the Nemenhah settlements into one nation governed by councils elected by their mothers.

The Nemenhah economy was based on NO money.  They believed that all the wars between the Nephites and Lamanites described in the Book of Mormon were caused by the love of money and were determined to live without it.  Just like today, the rich among the Nephites financed both sides of their wars, and considered themselves better than the poor among them and treated them badly.  The poor people would then gang together and come to war against the rich Nephites, but the rich did not send their children to war.  They would send the poor and middle class to fight for them. 

The Nemenhah believed that the wars that plagued the Nephites was caused by their love of money, so the Nemenhah separated themselves from the Nephite nation by immigrating into the land northward where they built a society based on the law of concecration where they used NO money, and they had no rich or poor among them.  Each were given a stewardship and each consecrated his/her surpluses to the village storehouse.  A surplus was all that they produced in their stewarship that was greater than what they needed to take care of themselves and their family.  The surplus was consecrated to the village storehouse weekly to take care of the needy.  Every person that needed anything from the village storehouse to fulfill his stewardship and take care of his family which he himself could not provide from his stewardship could apply to the village storehouse for that needful thing. Each village storehouse also traded with other village storehouses to obtain needful items using NO money.  The village High Priest managed the storehouse and presided on the village council with no vote.  A feather was passed to anyone who wanted to speak at the village council meetings. All village council decisions were carried out with the common consent vote of village members.  The village council members were elected by the mothers of the village, and the village council elected the village High Priest.  Two representatives from each village council would meet yearly with the national council for national decisions which had to be confirmed by a vote of the people.  The Nemenhah had no judges, no lawyers, no politicians and no election campaigns.

You can read their history, which was translated by their descendants, on the Zion Media website, called The Sacred Records of the Nemenhah.  You can purchase a paper hardbound copy of the book of the Sacred Records of the Nemenhah at

My wife and I met with the Zion Media fans this past October 2024 at the Morrell Ranch across the creek from Adam-ondi-Ahman, which we also visited.  Adam-ondi-Ahman was the home where Adam and Eve dwelt after they left the Cave of Treasures where they had lived after being evicted from the Garden of Eden in Our Hollow Earth. 

At the Morrell Ranch we listened to Chief David Midegah and Chief Phillip Cloudpiler Landis.  Chief Midegah is a descendant of Corianton, and Chief Cloudpiler Landis is a descendant of Hagoth.  Chief Cloudpiler Landis was one of the translators of the Nemenhah records with his cousins that knew where the records were hidden in a cavern south of Mentinah near the Redmond salt mine.

A prophecy in the Nemenhah records says that in our day, the end of money will occur in ONE day, which will end our civilization based on money and start a new era where the Nemenhah will help establish Zion again, a civilization based on NO money.

One part of the Nemenhah records that is very special to me is a genealogy of the descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.  When I first read it, I recognized some of the names and places that were in my own genealogy back to Adam and Eve.  I had always believed that Jesus had to have been married.  I had believed that it was very significant that the first person the resurrected Christ appeared to was Mary Magdalene at the garden tomb, that she wanted to touch Him and He cautioned her not to, because he had not yet ascended to His Father.

So when I read the book this past summer, "Was Jesus Married?" by Lee Wilson, it convinced me even more than ever that Jesus was indeed married to Mary Magdalene.  From the Archko Volume, the historical records of Jesus, that I had learned about from Hollow Earth researcher Bruce Walton, many years ago, that the family of Lazarus, Mary and Martha were Jesus' most dear friends. Mary, sister of Lazarus had expressed her opinion to the Sanhedrin investigator of Jesus that she would love to be Jesus' wife.  Lee Wilson makes a convincing argument that Mary, sister of Lazarus and Mary Magdalene were one and the same person, and that some passages in the Gospel of Philip found in Egypt in 1945 states pretty clearly that Mary Magdalene was Jesus' wife.  This passage from the Gospel of Philip, page 65, verses 55-56 states:

"The companion of the Son is Miriam of Magdala.  The Teacher loved her more than all the disciples; He often kissed her on the mouth.  When the disciples saw how he loved Miriam, they asked him:  'Why do you love her more than us?'"

It was because she was his wife, as this passage in the Gospel of Philip, page 61, verse 32 clearly states:

"There were three who always walked with the Lord:  Mary, his mother; the sister of his mother; and Miriam of Magdala, known as his companion; for him, Miriam is a sister, a mother, and a wife."

The Jewish rabbis declared to Lee Wilson that in order for Jesus to legally preach as a Rabbi in ancient Palestine, he would have had to have been married, which is supported by the observation that never even once did the Jewish leadership ever accuse Jesus of preaching illegally for not being married.  They condemned Him to death for being a man and declaring himself to be the Son of God, the physical son in the flesh of God the Father.

The Nemenhah record of the american indians says that two of the twelve disciples of Jesus that He chose when he visited the Nephite nation after his resurrection as recorded in the Book of Mormon, eleveth chapter of Third Nephi, whom Jesus had blessed with translation as He had blessed John the Beloved, visited their village council in Minisourit with a letter.  This letter they had brought across the Atlantic Ocean from Europe from the royal descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. (See the Sacred Records of the Nemenhah, The Book of Momet Akekt, Chapter Two, starting with verse 14)

The letter was addressed to the followers of the Peacemaker named Jesus who lived in the far away country where the indians lived in America.  And it had the genealogy of these royal descendants of Jesus and Mary Magadalene.  They had become the royalty of Europe. The Kings and Queens of Europe kept their genealogy back to Jesus who was a descendant of King David whom the Lord God had promised that there never would be a time when a descendant of David would not rule over the House of Israel.

Years ago, my sister lent me her book written by Michel Call, "The Royal Ancestors of 300 Latter-day Saint Families," where I found my ancestor Ira Hatch.  With this book I was able to trace my ancestry back to Adam and Eve through King David of Israel and the Royalty of Europe.  When I was reading the 9 volumes of the Nemenhah Sacred Records, I recognized some of the names and places in this Royal genealogy brought to the american indians by the two translated disciples of Jesus.  The Nemenhah record gives the names of these two translated disciples of Jesus.  They are Nephi and Lehi, sons of Nephi, son of Helaman, son of Alma the Younger.  They were on their way to meet with their brother, Timothy whom Nephi had raised from the dead.  Timothy was the third translated disciple of Jesus, and was at that time in the Rocky Mountains.  They had stopped off at the Village of the Minisourit indians in what is today Missouri, and were invited to speak at their town council meeting.

I looked up my ancestry in that royal genealogy given to the indians which they recorded in their Sacred Records of the Nemenhah, on  I found that Jesus is the 60th descendant from Adam, and I am the 64th descendant from Jesus and Mary Magdalene.  The letter to the american indians was from Batilde de Burgogne, wife of Clovis Magnus King of the Franks, son of Childreic King of France, son of Merovee King of France, son of Clodion, King of France, son of Pharamound, King of the Franks, son of Frotmund, son of Anfortas, son of Frimutel, son of Titurel, son of Manael Castellors de Briton, son of Cathaloys Desponsyni, 6th Grail King, son of Aminadab bar Joshua, son of Joshua ben Josephes, 3rd Grail King, son of Josephes, son of Jesus The Christ and Mary Magdalena.  See my Descendants of Adam Through Christ spreadsheet.

10/15/2024.  On August 21, 2024, I was interviewed by Miya of Hawaii on her Sensible Hippie podcast.  You can listen to the interview on Youtube, which she has titled, "Secrets of the Hollow Earth:  Advanced Civilizations and Government Cover-Ups with Rodney Cluff."

12/24/2023.  Was the Star of Bethlehem that guided the Wise Men to see Jesus a Flying Saucer craft?  What was the cloud by day and pillar of fire by night that guided and protected the Israelites in their escape from Egyptian slavery?  Will Flying Saucer craft protect Israel again in these last days? Consider the testimony from Contactees and from the Scriptures in my article on Assistance From Beyond Earth.

1/15/2023.  I have been asked by a High School teacher of Provo, Utah to explain how the first few days of the Creation Story in Genesis 1 describe how Our Hollow Earth was created, with a diagram of it.  So I created a diagram of the First Days of Creation with the following explanation from Genesis 1.  My explanations are in parenthesis:

In the beginning (of Earth’s creation), God created The Heaven (the Inner Sun) and The Earth (the shell of the planet, notice The Heaven and The Earth, each are singular:  there are two parts to the Earth).

And the earth was (originally) without form (space dust and rocks were caused to settle upon the bubble of the spirit of the earth), and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters (when water was placed on the surface inside and out).

And God said, Let there be light: and there was light (when God lit up the Inner Sun).

And God saw the light (of the Inner Sun), that it was good: and God divided the light (of the Inner Sun) from the darkness (of the night side of the Inner Sun).

And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day (of creation, the time used here is God’s time of His planet Kolob in the center of our Milky Way galaxy, which one rotation, one day, of Kolob is equal to 1,000 earth years, See Abraham 3:3-4 and 2 Peter 3:8).

And God said, Let there be a firmament (a hollow expanse in the earth) in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters (because the waters covered the entire surface of the planet, the outer surface and the inner surface).

And God made the firmament (the hollow expanse in the earth), and divided the waters which were under the firmament (the hollow expanse in the earth) from the waters which were above the firmament (waters covered the entire inner surface of the earth’s shell), and it was so.

And God called the firmament (the hollow expanse) Heaven (because the hollow also contains the Inner Sun). And the evening and the morning were the second day.

And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together into one place (under the heaven), and let the dry land appear (above the heaven, See Psalms 136:6): and it was so.

And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth (the inner continent with light from the Inner Sun): and it was so.

And the evening and the morning were the third day.

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the (outer) heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and days, and years: (as this is when the Earth was put into orbit about the outer Sun in the Moon’s orbit, so that the Moon then became a satellite of the Earth, and the light of the Sun, Moon and stars became apparent on the Earth's outer surface. Seasons occurred because the Earth was tilted 16 degrees with respect to the ecliptic, with the axis of the Earth in the center of the polar openings. The polar openings formed when the earth was first put into rotation with centrifugal force assisting the formation of the hollow interior and the polar openings.  The outer continent was not mentioned, but was probably raised out of the outer ocean either on the third or fourth day).

And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

1/2/2023.  On December 22nd, I had a nice interview by an LDS Brother, Sinhue Noriega, who is High School Science teacher in Texas on his podcast, "What They Don't Want You to Know."  We discussed evidence that the Sun is hollow, as well as Earth's Moon, Mar's moon Phobos, and Asteroid Eugenia.  We also discussed NASA images that show a hole in the Arctic icepack at 85 degrees North Latitutde 130 degrees East Longitude where the solar wind from the Earth's Inner Sun emits out of the North Polar Opening to light up the Auroras.  The interview is in two sections, which you can listen to by clicking here.

7/12/2022.  On July 12th, I was interviewed by Ken Mark on his Somewhere In Dreamland Paranormal Podcast.  It was a very nice conversation on the Hollow Earth and how it relates to all of us, especially now that we are getting closer to the return of the Lost Tribes of Israel whom I believe migrated to the Hollow Earth nearly 2,500 years ago.  It is my belief that the inherited throne of David in the political Kingdom of God was taken to Our Hollow Earth, and that the political Kingdom of God will soon expand to outer earth.  You are invited to listen to my interview with Ken Mark, which is now available on his website.

2/24/2022.  Once again I have been interviewed by the Spanish Internet Radio station, "Antes de Media Noche."  For those of you that speak spanish, Renata Constatin interviewed me about the Hollow Earth in which we had a pleasant time talking about the Hollow Earth / Hollow Planets theory, which you can listen to on youtube.

11/21/2021.  Last night I was on the Investigate Earth Conspiracy Podcast where we had an excellent conversation on the evidences for the hollow earth and hollow planets.  You can listen to the interview here.

1/24/2021.  We live in an age of deception.  Jesus Christ prophecied that, "if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."  (Matt 24:24)  Also, the Apostle Paul predicted that in the last days, "...God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie."  (2 Thes 2:11)  Christ also said, "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32)

Among the lies promoted in our world today and taught in all our schools is that the earth is not hollow, but full of molten lava with a small solid core.  Yet, with every major earthquake, the earth vibrates like a bell, which is hollow.  And on the opposite side of the earth from the epicenter of the earthquake, are shadow zones in both P and S earthquake waves where no earthquake waves are received because they cannot pass through the hollow core of the earth.  The fact that earthquakes occur no further down in the earth's shell than 450 miles indicates that instead of the earth being full of molten lava, the density of the shell at that depth is so high that no earthquakes can occur. Plate Tectonics depends on the theory that the earth is full of lava beginning at those depths so that the tectonic plates can slide beneath each other.  Yet Orthodox scientists are faced with the fact that the highest concentration of earthquakes in the earth's shell occur at plate boundaries exactly where the highest volume of lava extrusion occurs.  They are then faced with the paradox of how to explain how earthquakes can occur in liquid magma.

What is happening was clearly explained by the Inner Earth Guide to William Morgan in ETIDORPHA as they descended down into the earth through a cavern entrance in Kentucky.  The Inner Earth Guide explained that the 800-mile thick shell of Our Hollow Earth was formed over time as space dust and rocks accumulated on the earth's spirit body's shell which has the shape of a bubble.  Much of this space material consists of metals and metalloids, such as phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium and sulfur, which when water was placed on the earth, reacted spontaneously creating magma that then cooled to become the shell of the planet.  Volcanic extrusion at plate boundaries continues to occur when earthquakes open crevasses down into the earth's shell allowing water to seep down into residual deposits of original space metals which then spontaneously combust to create the volcanic magma extrusion observed.  No earthquakes occur below the depth of 450 miles because at that depth gravity has diminished to such a degree that water surface tension is stronger than gravity preventing water from seeping any further down into the shell of the planet and because the increased density of the space metals are so great that no shear ability can occur to create an earthquake.

Orthodox science has NO eye witness that has traveled to the earth's center to see if it is full of lava with a small solid core.  Yet on my Home page is a list of many eye witnesses that have traveled to our earth's interior and have returned to report that the earth is indeed hollow, has a small inner sun and polar openings that communicate with our exterior world, and that our hollow earth actually has a toroidal shape, similar to the magnetic field of a magnet or wire loop carrying a current.  The magnetic field of the earth is created by the negatively charged shell of the earth rotating about the the positively charged but slower rotating Inner Sun, similar to the way a common dynamo creates a magnetic field.  A dynamo consists of a centrally positioned stationary magnet called a stator that corresponds to the Inner Sun, and surrounding the stator are rotating wire windings corresponding to the earth's shell that as they rotate about the central stator (Inner Sun), generate an electric current in the windings (the earth's shell).  But unlike a dynamo where its magnetic field aligns with the rotational axis of the rotating windings, the earth's magnetic field does not align with the earth's shell's rotational axis because the Inner Sun's slower rotational axis is tipped at an angle from the shell's rotational axis.

The fact is, the orthodox (fake) science theory that the Sun and the outer planets are entirely gaseous bodies, and that the rocky planets are full of liquid magma entirely precludes those bodies from being able to generate planetary magnetic fields.  From an article in the Scientific American comes this significant confession:

"In 1934, Thomas G. Cowling of the Univerity of Leeds in England proved that single, symmetrical fluid flows cannot generate magnetic fields... Astronomers cannot explain the galaxies or solar magnetic fields."  (Mystery of the Missing Dynamo, Scientific American, p. 24, January 1995). 

Since the Sun and the so-called gaseous planets have strong magnetic fields, this indicates they are hollow planets and have solid shells with solid cores that rotate at a different rates.  Some planets, such as Uranus and Earth also have magnetic fields that do not coincide with their planetary shells' rotational axis.  The hollow planet theory explains how a planet such as Mars has almost no magnetic field even though it rotates nearly the same speed as Earth does, yet Mercury that rotates very slowly with only three daily rotations in two of its years has a strong magnetic field.  This would occur if Mar's inner sun rotates at nearly the same rate as its shell, whereas Mercury's inner sun rotates much faster than its shell.

Another hoax currently being propagated by the fake media and quack tyrannical medical doctors is the so-called COVID-19 pandemic, who have deceived many in our governments, churchs and schools into taking away our 1st Amendment rights of free association and free personal interactions without wearing masks.  Dr. James DeMeo has just published a scientific paper proving the COVID-19 pandemic is a hoax, titled, A Critical Review of CDC USA Data on Covid-19 PCR Antigen Tests Cases Reveal Herd Immunity Only Do Not Warrant Public Hysteria or Lockdowns.  From the CDC's own data, he shows that there have been no more than 4,663 deaths from Covid-19 in 2020 than the average yearly deaths from all causes in the United States, and in fact, the Birth Life Expectancy for 2020 actually went up to 78.93 years!  Due to directions from the CDC, doctors and hospitals are told to report deaths from any cause as COVD-19 related, which the fake media complicit in this deception are counting to make it appear that there is a pandemic, which governments then use to apply drastic shutdowns, social distancing and imposition of punitive measures on people and businesses.  Many scientists in addition to Dr. DeMeo also have declared that the COVID-19 test is NOT valid and cannot reliably detect if a person has a supposed COVID-19 virus or not.  Repeated testing on the same person can result with as many positives as negatives, and yet lockdowns are executed based on these fraudulent results.  Of course, just the positive test results are used as evidence that there is a pandemic and the lockdowns are necessary by the fake media, the quack doctors and complicit government officials who believe the lies and deception propagated by the communists in the World Health Organization.

Evidence keeps surfacing that there was NO pandemic, and indeed there was NO COVID-19 virus.  The PCR test was developed without a sample of any so-called COVID-19 virus.  So how could it possibly be used to detect that anyone has a supposed COVID-19 virus?  A group of 22 European scientists determined that the PCR test is invalid.  The only thing the PCR test developers had was a computer similated virus, in other words, a fictitious virus.  A UK funeral director testifies that there was no pandemic, that people were being killed in hospitals and nursing homes and every death was called a COVID death.  For example, he mentioned that even a person that was run over was called a COVID death.  A large spike in deaths started after the fake COVID vaccines were rolled out.  And the variants are nothing other than the negative effects of the fake vaccine.  Despite working daily with all these dead people since September 2019, neither he nor any of his numerous friends who are funeral directors in the UK have ever contracted COVID.  He also almost never wears a mask while doing his funeral work.  He warns all non-vaccinated people must unite against the COVID tyranny because concentration camps are being built the world over to exterminate those that refuse to be vaccinated with this fake poisonous so-called COVID vaccine.  The best report I have found on THE COVID-19 FRAUD & WAR ON HUMANITY, has been published by two New Zealand scientists detailing the history and origin of this hoaxed pandemic.

There are hundreds of scientific hoaxes perpetrated on the people these days, but another hoax that recently was executed and to this day lied to us by the fake media and their accomplices in government:  It is that there was no election fraud on the November 2020 United States election.  Mike Lindell, CEO of has put out a video of the Absolute Proof of the November 2020 election fraud perpetrated on the United States.  China, Iran and other countries hacked into our election machines and changed the votes electronically.  Watch the video by Mike Lindell so you can see how fake science is promoted by fake news to take advantage of the people, in this case by giving us a government of fake leaders.  Mike Lindell has now launched a media platform called with news, podcasts, tv and videos supporting free speech to help us regain our freedoms.

Now, Dr. Naomi Wolf is warning America that vaccine passports is the same social credit system used in China to enslave people with 360-degree surveillance by the government.  Every state government must ban vaccine passports.  Contact your representatives and request they pass a bill to ban vaccine passports in your state.  The ultimate goal of the global controllers with this fake vaccine is to ID everyone globally so they can take away from us all every liberty we ever had.

If the fake media and quack doctors have convinced you to take the experimental fake COVID vaccine, you should first read this article and watch the video of Health Care Workers that took the vaccine and now wished they had not because of the full body convulsions it caused and which doctors have no clue how to cure.  Many are dying from blood clots with multiple body organ shutdowns from these fake vaccine shots. Read this article showing PROOF the COVID vaccination worldwide is causing a spike in deaths.

9/6/2020.  I have written an article on The History and Destiny of the House of Israel with my best calculations of events past and future including my Last Days Timeline.

8/8/2020.  A list member brought to my attention the discovery this summer of the remains of a woolly mammoth in a shallow lake on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia.  The article says that it is the discovery of the remains of a 10,000 year old mammoth.  And yet, with the remains was found skin, tendons, bones and even excrement.  Most likely, this mammoth was alive not very many years ago in Our Hollow Earth and floated out through the North Polar Opening in the icebergs that it got caught in one winter when it fell into a frozen over inner earth river that empties into the Arctic Ocean within the polar opening.  With the warm summer sun shining into the opening, the icebergs then later broke free of the river and floated out to sea with its frozen mammoth and ended up just a few hundred miles to the south of the polar opening at its final resting place on the Yamal Peninsula.  In this Google Earth map, I show the route the lost Soviet flyers took when they accidentally flew from Moscow up the Kara Sea and through the North Polar Opening into Our Hollow Earth in their attempt to fly across the Arctic Ocean to Fairbanks, Alaska in 1937.  I also show a line from the mammoth remains to the polar opening location, the most likely place the mammoth came from. 

Norwegian fisherman/explorer to Our Hollow Earth Olaf Jansen reported that when he and his father were taken on a tour of the hollow earth nation of the Lost Tribes of Israel, they witnessed a herd of mammoths.  He wrote,

"One day we saw a great herd of elephants. There must have been five hundred of these thunder-throated monsters, with their restlessly waving trunks. They were tearing huge boughs from the trees and trampling smaller growth into dust like so much hazel-brush. They would average over 100 feet in length and from 75 to 85 in height.

George Emerson, whom Olaf got to publish his book after his death comments on the remains of mammoths often found on the northern shores of Russia,

"On the northern boundaries of Alaska, and still more frequently on the Siberian coast, are found bone-yards containing tusks of ivory in quantities so great as to suggest the burying-places of antiquity. From Olaf Jansen's account, they have come from the great prolific animal life that abounds in the fields and forests and on the banks of numerous rivers of the Inner World. The materials were caught in the ocean currents, or were carried on ice-floes, and have accumulated like driftwood on the Siberian coast. This has been going on for ages, and hence these mysterious bone-yards."

On this subject William F. Warren, in his book, PARADISE FOUND, THE CRADLE OF THE HUMAN RACE AT THE NORTH POLE, on pages 297 and 298, says,

"The Arctic rocks tell of a lost Atlantis more wonderful than Plato's. The fossil ivory beds of Siberia excel everything of the kind in the world. From the days of Pliny, at least, they have constantly been undergoing exploitation, and still they are the chief headquarters of supply. The remains of mammoths are so abundant that, as Gratacap says, 'the northern islands of Siberia seem built up of crowded bones.' Another scientific writer, speaking of the islands of New Siberia, northward of the mouth of the River Lena, uses this language: 'Large quantities of ivory are dug out of the ground every year. Indeed, some of the islands are believed to be nothing but an accumulation of drift-timber and the bodies of mammoths and other antediluvian animals frozen together.' From this we may infer that, during the years that have elapsed since the Russian conquest of Siberia, useful tusks from more than twenty thousand mammoths have been collected."

The remains of this woolly mammoth found this summer of 2020 on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia is reported to have been about 10 feet tall when alive, so it must have been a baby mammoth when we consider that Olaf Jansen reported that the adult mammoths of Our Hollow Earth are 75 to 85 feet tall.

This is not the first woolly mammoth discovered in the wastelands of Siberia.  J.W. Buel, in his book, THE WORLD'S WONDERS, reported the discovery of a woolly mammoth in 1799 by a fisherman of Tongoose, named Schumachoff.  He found the mammoth in a block of ice clear as crystal along the banks of the River Lena that empties into the Arctic Ocean just south of the New Siberian Islands.  Flesh was cut off the mammoth and fed on by wolves until as a skeleton it was removed to Saint Peterburg Museum of Natural History.  One of our expedition members, who is a retired engineer, traveled to Russia with his wife and had their photo taken in front of the skeleton of this mammoth from Our Hollow Earth.

In 1977 a baby mammoth was also found in Siberia, crushed by the iceberg it was entombed in when he fell into a hollow earth river where it was frozen and later pushed out to sea ending up on the Siberian coast. 

Not only are the remains of woolly mammoths from Our Hollow Earth often found on the Arctic coasts, but also hairy rhinoceros, reindeer, hippopotamus, lion, giant deer, horse and hyena.

5/17/2020.  On May 9, 2020, I was interviewed again by Daniel Ott after 16 years from when I was first interviewed on his Internet Radio Station, The Edge.  Daniel had some good questions, and we had a nice conversation on hollow earth / hollow planets theory.

5/7/2020.  On May 7, 2020, I got into a conversation with a person from Argentina who is on my list.  He is very much interested in finding a way to the hollow earth.  After talking about the North and South Polar Openings, I told him about the Hopi Indian entrance near the Grand Canyon, the City of Telos beneath Mt. Shasta, California that are hooked up with the hollow earth tunnels and their tunnel trains, then I told him about the German colony in the Matto Grosso, as related by deceased author John B. Leith in his book that is now on, Genesis for the Space Race, that was originally called Genesis for the New Space Age, finished in 1980. 
   Leith tells how a group of Germans in the late 1500's were hired by the Portuguese to build a fort on the border of Peru with Brazil to defend Brazil from the Spanish in Peru.  They sailed up the Amazon, and when they disembarked, they burned their ship showing their commitment to carrying out their task.  But then they were attacked by head-hunting Indians from the Amazon jungle.  The German colonists found refuge in a cavern, but since they didn't dare go back into the jungle to make contact with the outside world, they sent an exploration party back into the cavern to find another way out.  The exploration party journeyed many days until they found a way out of the cavern.  But instead of the cavern opening to some other place on the outside surface of the earth, they learned that they had come out on the inside surface of Our Hollow Earth.  The people they found there were very large in stature, but very friendly.  Soon they learned that they were relatives of these hollow earth people.  Years later when the exploration party returned to the original cavern settlement, their people there had found a way to send communications back to their homeland in Germany.  So this is how the Germans came to learn of the hollow earth.

  Leith relates that during World War II, Hitler sent emissaries to their cousins in the hollow earth asking permission to emmigrate to the hollow earth should they lose the war.  Leith was an American intelligence officer during the war and discovered that towards the end of the war, thousands of Germans secretly exited Europe through Spain and traveled by submarine to Brazil up the Amazon river to the German colony that had by then built a train system through the caverns to the hollow earth.

  Leith relates how both the Americans and the Germans developed flying saucer technology with the help of people from Venus, on condition they would not use it in the war, and so the Germans were able to use their flying saucers to also evacuate Germans to the hollow earth in their flying saucers through the South Polar Opening.  They also found a way under the ice with their submarines through the South Polar Opening.  On my website, I have a letter written by a Karl Unger who traveled to the hollow earth with his Captain Heinrich Brodda and their crew aboard their submarine, the German submarine U-209 through a cavern beneath the Greenland icesheet to the hollow earth, and wrote a letter back to his friend Tawani Shoush, leader of the International Society for a Complete Earth headquartered at that time in Houston, Missouri.

  After I had told my list member this story, he told me of the Macuxie Indians of northern Brazil who had made it to the hollow earth through a cavern system they knew of.  This Macuxie Indian exploration party had descended into the earth and came to the level where they no longer needed their torches, but could see where they were going.  Their weight continued to descrease until at the Central Sphere of Gravity they had to hang on to the walls of the cavern to keep from being blown away by a wind that was always blowing through the cavern from the Hollow Earth.  After passing the Central Sphere of Gravity, their weight began increasing again and had not returned to their usual weight before they exited onto the Inner Surface of the hollow earth where they met the friendly giants that live there.  They enjoyed themselves on nearby beaches, and the giants gave them some very large fish, apples larger than a man's head, and grapes as large as a man's fist, and even helped them carry their goods back with them to the outer surface of the earth. 

  The account of the Macuxie Indians of northern Brazil is on Dean De Lucia's website at

5/2/2020.  The 2nd Edition of my book, World Top Secret:  Our Earth Is Hollow! and the Spanish version are now available on, which you can access by clicking on Order Book here on my website.

While translating my book into the Spanish language, I also updated my English version with the latest information I have received on the Hollow Earth Theory. 

In my update, a discussion with one of my list members helped me realize that the claimed 1947 flight of Richard E. Byrd through the North Polar Opening never occurred. 

Hollow Earth researcher, Dennis Crenshaw had shown that the so-called Admiral Byrd Secret Diary was a fake because it had some verbage in it from James Hilton's book, LOST HORIZON.  When hollow earth researcher, Bruce Walton gave me a copy of the fake diary in the '80's, he let me know that he considered it a fake.  The fake diary claims that Bryd flew through the North Polar Opening in February 1947.  I tended to accept the fake diary narrative because it was so similar to the account given me by John Gagne in Alaska, which he claimed he got from Silvia Darvell in Juneau, whom he said had been involved in Alaskan politics from way back and had been a close friend of Richard Byrd, to whom Byrd had confided his story.  John Gagne's account most probably was based on the fake diary with some emblishments.  Amadeo Giannini in his book, WORLDS BEYOND THE POLES stated that Richard Byrd's first flight beyond the poles occurred in February 1947 beyond the North Pole, but I've decided that Amadeo's account actually happened in 1927.

When I received the unpublished manuscript of John B. Leith in 2008, I noticed it had a different take on the flights of Admiral Byrd to Our Hollow Earth.  But now, I realize that John B. Leith's account of Byrd's flights makes more sense. 

Leith says he read the Byrd accounts in the National Archives of the United States when he worked as an intelligence officer for the government.  Leith had his book copyrighted, but he didn't want his book published until after his death.  He tells us in his book, GENESIS FOR THE SPACE RACE, which is now available on, that Byrd had his imagination fired up over the Hollow Earth theory for the first time during his first flight to the North Pole in 1926 by his co-pilot, Floyd Bennett who had studied the hollow earth theory.  They had taken off from Spitzbergen soon after the departure of Roald Amundsen in his attempt to fly across the pole to Alaska in his dirigible, as related in his book, FIRST CROSSING OF THE POLAR SEA.  Byrd took off after the departure of the dirigible and passed Amundsen's slower flying dirigible, and so arrived first at the pole.  Byrd flew around the pole to make sure he had taken in their arrival at the pole, and in so doing noticed at one point the Arctic icepack devoid of ice.  Floyd urged Richard to continue in that direction as he told him about his study of the hollow earth theory, that perhaps they might discover the opening into the hollow earth in that direction.  Sure enough, they noticed the horizon seemed to enlarge itself beyond the 85th parallel, their compass became erratic, a tail wind increased and the Sun's position sank lower on the horizon.  The Earth's surface seemed to begin dipping down into a deep depression within the Arctic Ocean disappearing into an unending hole down into the Earth.  At this point, Byrd decided to turn back to their base at Spizbergen, but before reaching the camp, he and Bennett had decided to return the next year to explore this hole into the Earth that they had found.

Leith then relates that according to the United States Archives the next year, Byrd and Bennett returned to the Arctic in search of the Polar Opening that they had found the previous year.  Their flight was sponsored by the United States Navy.  So I realized that the first flight by Bryd to the Hollow Earth through the North Polar Opening occurred in 1927, not 1947.  The Archives related that the 1947 flight by Bryd actually occurred in the Antarctic during Operation High Jump, not in the Arctic.  I had noticed this contradiction in the previous editions of my book because of a New York Times article of February 18, 1947 describing Byrd's flight beyond the South Pole at the same time that the fake diary said Byrd was flying through the North Polar Opening.

I noticed another inconsistency in Raymond Bernard's book, THE HOLLOW EARTH, in which he stated that in 1956 Richard Byrd flew through the South Polar Opening for 2,300 miles to the interior of Our Hollow Earth.  This also is a contradiction of John B. Leith's account from the Archives. 

John B. Leith's account, which I now accept as the more reliable account, relates that Byrd's extended flight through the South Polar Opening occurred in 1947 during Operation High Jump.  He says that on this flight Byrd was accompanied by several other aircraft.  The secret orders given to Byrd in Operation High Jump, was to go to Antartica and see if he could determine where thousands of Germans had escaped to as refugees from World War II.  President Truman gave Byrd strict orders to NOT fire upon any hollow earth aircraft that he should encounter.  His mission was to ONLY determine if the German refugees to the Hollow Earth were hostile or not.  As Byrd's airplanes entered the Hollow Earth after passing through the South Polar Opening, Hollow Earth flying saucers approached them.  On this mission, Byrd did, indeed, see evidence that the German refugees from the World War II had immigrated to the Hollow Earth.  But contrary to orders given by President Truman NOT to fire on any Hollow Earth aircraft, Byrd gave orders to fire upon the approaching Flying Saucers from the Hollow Earth nation in conflict with direct orders from President Truman NOT to fire on any hollow earth aircraft.   So even though World War II was over, the Hollow Earth flying saucers were taken as enemy aircraft by Bryd and he gave orders to fire upon them.  It was later determined that the Hollow Earth Nation had let the Germans immigrate to their inner world because they were relatives, but only on condition that they would never go to war again, and be a peaceful people.

But in this attack by Bryd on the approaching Hollow Earth flying saucers, in defense of their country, the Hollow Earth flying saucers returned the fire with lasers knocking Byrd's accompanying airplanes out of the air.  They then  commanded Byrd over his radio to return to outer earth through the South Polar Opening where he had come from, and to never come back.  To ensure that Operation High Jump got the message that the Hollow Earth people could defend themselves, they also attacked the Operation High Jump fleet.  On my website, at the bottom of my Other Links web page are videos taken by the Russians (who were still our allies at the end of the war), showing hollow earth flying saucers rising up out of the ocean and attacking our fleet.  Airplanes were sent up from the aircraft carrier and the saucers knocked them out of the air with their lasers.  The saucers also attacked the destroyer that was firing at them, and the destroyer caught on fire.  So some men died in the short skirmish, before the saucers dove back under the sea. 

Leith relates that when Bryd returned to Washington and reported how he had lost his fleet of airplanes and the lives of his airmen, that he was down graded, but not Court Martialed to prevent publicity, and declared mentally incompetent for disobeying direct orders from the President.  He was also prevented from ever again participating in Arctic or Antarctic discovery. 

Since I now give more credence to this account by John B. Leith than the fake diary account, I realize that Byrd could not have flown through the South Polar Opening in 1956 as Raymond Bernard states in his book.  However elements of Raymond Bernard's 1956 account sound very similar to those of Leith's account of Byrd's 1947 flight to the Hollow Earth through the South Polar Opening.  So I conclude that Bernard's 1956 account must have actually taken place in 1947, as Leith relates.

I have decided that John B. Leith's account is the much more consistent and more accurate account.  If John B. Leith's account is actually based on the United States Archives and doesn't have the contradictions that the other accounts have, I place more credence on John B. Leith's accounts of Byrd's flights to the Hollow Earth.

John B. Lieth also states that Bryd flew half way through the South Polar Opening in 1946, as a preliminary venture of Operation High Jump, in which he determined that the polar openings are 125 miles wide at the neck of the opening, halfway through the opening.

This 2nd Edition of my book, and the translated version to Spanish are now available as paperbacks on, replacing my older version. You can order the 2nd Edition version of my book from here on my website.  eBook versions of my book are also available here on my website.

3/28/2020.  Last year, the Spanish radio station in Orem, Utah, Antes de Media Noche, recorded an interview with me in Spanish here in my home in Sunset, Utah.  It was an excellent interview with Renata Constantin and Victor Hidalgo, and they have provided it here for those who speak Spanish.

1/10/2020.  Physicist, Dr. Brooks Agnew has reposted his website and projected a new date for the summer of 2022 to carry out his North Pole Inner Earth Expedition.  He is chartering the new Russian nuclear icebreaker, the Arktika to carry expedition members into the Arctic in search of the North Polar Opening.  Since the itinerary shows the expedition is going to the Magnetic North Pole which was located at 86.448 N 175.34585 E in 2019, and is now located one-quarter of the way into the polar opening, scientists using a gyroscope aboard the Arktika should be able to detect the curvature into the earth towards the North Polar Opening, which my latest evidence indicates is located centered near Northland, Russia at 85 N, 130 E

As the ship enters the polar opening towards the Magnetic North Pole location, they will notice that their horizontal gyroscope will start to dip up.  After passing the Magnetic North Pole location, the horizontal gyroscope will start to move back to the level position as the ship rises up out of the opening.  The ship can then be backed down to the most vertical position at the Magnetic Pole location, then make a right angle turn to the right, and the ship will then go directly through the polar opening.  They will know they are half way through the opening when the horizontal gyroscope has become vertical.  They will also be able to look up and see the opposite side of the opening in the sky above them, which in the Arctic is ocean.  I have determined that gravity is a push of the ether of space flowing into the mass of the earth, and is what keeps the water pushed to the sides of the opening.  Inside the Hollow Earth, the ether flowing into the inner surface is what keeps their feet firmly planted on the inner surface.  When Byrd was flying through the South Polar Opening in 1929, he looked up and could see the other side of the opening, the continent in the sky above his head, and exclaimed, "THAT ENCHANTED CONTINENT IN THE SKY, LAND OF EVERLASTING MYSTERY!" 

On this Google Earth map, you can see the flight path Richard E. Byrd took in 1927 to the Hollow Earth through the North Polar Opening from Alert Base, Ellesmere Island, Northern Canada in the direction of the coordinates of 87.7 N, 142.2 E  that Bryd took from Alert to the Polar Opening which coordinates Ret. Col. Billie F. Woodard gave me from the historical account of Byrd's first flight into the hollow earth, which he read in the library at Area 51 where he worked for 11.5 years.  On the map you can see the location of the geographic North Pole and the Magnetic North Pole in relation to the location of the North Polar Opening.  The outer red circle on the map is the perimeter of the Polar Opening where the earth starts to dip into the opening, and the inner red circle is the diameter at the neck half way through the opening.  I have now determined the diameter of the neck of the opening at 125 miles, as reported by Byrd on his February 1946 flight half-way through the South Polar Opening at the beginning of Operation High Jump. (see GENESIS FOR THE SPACE AGE, p. 150) 

You can now subscribe to Dr. Agnew's Hollow Earth TV channel to keep informed of the progress and to help finance the expedition.

9/13/2019.  I have been getting some good images lately referred by a list member showing where the North Polar Opening is located.  First, is the report from the National Geographic this summer August 10, 2019 of an usual amount of lightning strikes about 300 nautical miles from the geographic North Pole near the area we have determined the North Polar Opening is located.  The article from National Geographic explains that lightning strikes are caused by warm moist air meeting cold air, which would occur as warm moist air rises up out of the Polar Opening and meets the cold air of the Arctic.

A map of the Arctic for August 2014 from NOAA shows an area where warm air is emitting in the high Arctic near the area where we have determined the North Polar Opening is located.  A German expedition starting this fall wants to study this area to discover what could be causing this warm air in the high Arctic.  Hopefully, they will let the world know when they discover the North Polar Opening in this area of the Arctic is what is causing the warming, and not the so-called Global Warming.

The thinning of the ice at the North Polar Opening location is shown in this 2012 image of the Arctic.

3/3/2019.  A Hollow Earth list member brought to my attention an article in of a couple of awesome photos taken in February 2019 of the Northern Aurora.  One photo looks like a dragon and the other a Phoenix bird.  A link is given in the article of the NASA website reporting the dragon Aurora.  On the NASA website is their assertion that auroras on earth are caused by coronal holes on the Sun that emit the solar wind of energetic particles which they claim causes the auroras.  Yet they also admit their confusion because there were NO coronal holes on the Sun that could have caused the beautiful auroras photographed on earth in the month of February! 

This is proof that the auroras are NOT caused by the solar wind from our outer Sun.  This is because the solar wind from our outer Sun is actually deflected around the magnetic field of the earth and cannot enter the magnetic field to light up the auroras. 

The auroras are actually caused by the Inner Sun within Our Hollow Earth that emits a much more powerful solar wind having atomic particles with energies of 10,000 to 100,000 electron volts compared to the solar wind from our outer Sun with energy of only 10 to 1,000 electron volts as it approaches the earth.  The solar wind particles from the Inner Sun exits the earth through the polar openings and then follow the electromagnetic field lines of the earth which form an oval around the Arctic and Antarctic areas.  As these energetic particles hit the atmosphere above the polar areas they knock photons out of the nitrogen and oxygen atoms in the atmosphere creating the beautiful auroral lights.  

1/5/2019. A visitor to my website asked me why the recent Antarctic explorer, Colin O'Brady did not find the South Polar Opening on his recent trek to the South Pole from the Ronne Ice Shelf.  My estimate is that he came within about 195 miles from my estimate of the location of the South Polar Opening.  My estimate of the location of the North Polar Opening is 85 N Lat, 130 E Lon based on imagery from the US Naval Observatory of October 25, 2015, and from a NASA image of a hole in the ice of September 2012, as also appears in the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer on NASA's Aqua Satellite of February 25, 2011, not the big black dot at the North Pole, which is a hole in the satellite imagery, but the blue dot near Northland, Russia, which is a hole in the ice -- the North Polar Opening. 

So if the South Polar Opening is located on the exact opposite of the earth from the North Polar Opening, then the South Polar Opening should be located at 85 S Lat, 50 W Lon.  The Aurora Australis can be seen exiting the South Polar Opening at this estimated location, which is the image from NASA portrayed on the cover of my book. Since my estimate of the polar openings is that they are about 125 miles in diameter at the neck, the location about half way through the opening, if an explorer is not headed directly towards the opening, he could easily miss the 125 mile wide opening.  When Olaf Jansen and his father sailed their little fishing boat out through the South Polar Opening, they had to pass through a very narrow lead in the ice that at first was blocked by two giant icebergs.  But finally these two icebergs that blocked their way, separated and they made a dash past them.  They apparently came out into the Weddell Sea where Olaf was picked up by a Scottish whaler that took him back home to Stockholm, Sweden. 

Just before their way out of the Hollow Earth through the South Polar Opening, Olaf Jansen and his father saw a live giant penguin nine feet tall. 

A skeleton of a giant penguin 6 feet 8 inches tall has been found on Seymour Island on the Antarctic Peninsula that borders on the west of the Weddell Sea.  This giant penguin most likely originated from Our Hollow Earth where it probably got caught in an iceberg that fell on it deep freezing it to death.  It could have then been pushed out with the icebergs from the Inner Earth ocean that empties into the Weddell Sea through the South Polar Opening.

Another skeleton of a giant penguin that could have floated out the South Polar Opening through the Weddell Sea, is one that ended up on New Zealand's South Island that was discovered in 2017.

10/29/2018.  A student recently requested an interview with me for her Senior research paper which she chose to do on Our Hollow Earth.  Today, she asked me about the Alaskan scientist that discovered evidence that the Auroras are caused by energy coming from the Earth's equatorial plane producing simultaneous variations in the Auroral lights at both poles.  This is what I wrote to her:

Professor Neil Davis, a geophysicist at the University of Alaska in Fairbanks, found evidence that indicates that the auroral energy comes from inside the earth.  In his book, The Aurora Watcher’s Handbook, Professor Davis lays out the current orthodox thinking on the Auroras.

Current orthodox science claims the auroral lights are caused entirely by our outer Sun solar wind.  Yet they admit they do not know how the Sun’s solar wind gets inside the earth’s magnetic field to cause the auroras to light up, and since the Sun’s solar wind does not have enough energy to light up the auroras, they also admit they do not know how the Sun’s solar wind can increase in energy enough to light up the auroras.

There are three flaws in the orthodox science’s theory that the outer Sun’s solar wind causes the auroral lights.

1.       The energy from the Sun’s solar wind is not powerful enough to light up the auroras.

2.       The Sun’s solar wind cannot get inside the earth’s magnetic field, but instead is deflected around the earth’s magnetic field.

3.       The solar wind that is causing the auroral lights travels UP from the earth, NOT down from space as is required by their theory.

I have been to Alaska and observed the Aurora Borealis myself and personally observed the auroral energy causing the auroral lights travels UP toward space from the earth.

The experiment conducted by Professor Davis that proved the auroral energy comes from inside the earth was carried out in 18 paired flights to both polar regions between 1967 and 1971, as described in Jan Lamprecht’s book, Hollow Planets, pages 300-304.  They used two long-range military versions of the Boeing 707 equipped with sensitive cameras and synchronized clocks.  One aircraft took off from Anchorage, Alaska flying north, and the other from Christchurch, New Zealand flying south.  What they discovered was that pulsations in the auroras occurred exactly at the same time in the southern aurora as in the northern aurora.  Professor Davis concluded that “Whatever the cause, it would seem that the triggering of the pulses must occur in the equatorial plane.”

Diagram of Variations

Therefore, my conclusion from this evidence is that the Inner Sun of the Earth is on the equatorial plane, and is the source of the solar wind that lights up the auroras at both poles simultaneously as the solar wind from the Inner Sun comes out the Hollow Earth through the polar openings near both poles, which then follows the electromagnetic field lines of the earth and at the height of 40-60 miles the air is rarified enough so that the highly energetic particles in the Inner Earth Solar Wind can knock photons out of the magnetic field of the atoms of oxygen in the air to create the auroras lights.

Another study by two NASA scientists, in which they sent satellites up over the Arctic and Antarctic, discovered polar fountains of highly energetic particles coming out of the earth with enough energy to light up the Auroras and subsequently fill the earth’s magnetosphere in what are called the Van Allen Radiation Belts.  See attached article.

Drawing of Polar Fountains

7/30/2018.  Today I was visited by Stan Wardell from Spanish Fork, and his friend Dan.  Stan said he has read my book, World Top Secret:  Our Earth IS Hollow! five times he likes it so well.  After a nice visit, he asked me if I would let my website visitors know of a new book that has just come out by a friend of his called, "The Saga of Sarah and Caleb" by Dee Cope (pen name).  It is a Hollow Earth science fiction book regarding a young woman and her brother who were captured by the Assyrians in 742 B.C. from the Northern Kingdom of Israel in Palestine.  They were sold as slaves, and put on a ship to their new destination.  The ship is hit by a violent storm at sea that kills the crew leaving the starving slaves adrift on the ocean.  The ship drifts into the Arctic's freezing waters where Sarah and Caleb are frozen to death, but rescued by the people of the Hollow Earth and revived.  The Hollow Earth people then send Sarah and Caleb on a mission to the Earth's surface world 2,700 years later to help save it from destruction.  They emerge from a cavern entrance hidden by a holographic image of the mountainside near Globe, Arizona, and are mistaken for terrorists.

If you enjoy science fiction, you may want to order a copy of Cope's book at

4/24/2018.  A hole in the Arctic ice pack can be seen in the middle of the Winter on February 25, 2011 exactly where I have determined the North Polar Opening is located at 85 N 130 E.  This comes from the NASA Earth Observatory website from images taken by the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer aboard the NASA Aqua satellite, from the download animation video.  The large black spot at the geographic North Pole is just a hole in the imagery.  The hole in the ice (a much smaller dark blue dot) where the polar opening is located is more towards the Russian side of the pole, near Northland, Russia.  The dark blue color indicates little or no ice.

3/31/2018.  A hollow earth list member brought to my attention a report of a warm air intrusion into the Arctic this winter that brought the temperature above freezing and lasted for more than a week. 

The weather station at Cape Morris Jesup on the northern coast of Greenland reported the temperature on February 25, 2018 was above freezing for about 24 hours.  This is very unusual at this time of the year since there is no sunlight 24 hours a day at this location.  The scientists analyzing this warm air intrusion, speculated that the warm air came into the Arctic from the Atlantic, but the Arctic Map showing this anomaly shows the warm air coming from the Russian side of the pole -- exactly where I have estimated the North Polar Opening is located.

Warm air coming up out of the polar opening during winter at times raises the temperature in the Arctic. 

In mid-winter on January 18, 1894 at 79° 18' N Latitude, 137° 31' E Longitude, explorer Fridtjof Nansen discovered that a north wind (a wind that blows out of the north) raised the temperature, while a south wind lowered the temperature.  At that time, Nansen was south of our estimated location of the polar opening at 85 N 130 E.  By February 21, 1896, their ship the Fram, which they had embedded in the ice, had drifted around the polar opening when again a wind from the southeast, towards the location of the polar opening, raised the temperature 18 degrees.

These warm north winds in winter originate in the earth's interior where the Inner Sun warms them.

Explorer Peary wrote on pages 214 and 215 of his work, NEAREST THE POLE:

"I expected to hear later of our February foehn in other parts of Greenland, and I was not disappointed.  Lieutenant Ryder was living for nine months at Scoresby Sound, on the coast of East Greenland, while we were at McCormick Bay.  He was about four hundred and fifty geographical miles south of us.  The maximum temperatures he recorded occurred in February and May.  He says (Petermanns Mittheilungen, XI, 1892, p. 256) that these high temperatures were due to severe foehn storms, one of which, in February suddenly, raised the thermometer to 50 F, 8 degrees higher than my instruments had recorded."

Foehn storms are warm winded storms that come out of the far north Arctic in winter. 

These warm Arctic winds have been happening since at least the days of Admiral Peary and Fridtjof Nansen in 1892-1896, and so cannot be attributed to global warming.

This all strongly indicates that the warm air intrusion that warmed up the Arctic this winter came from inside Our Hollow Earth through the North Polar Opening. 

11/17/2017.  A member of my hollow earth email list brought to my attention an interesting website,, that although the website creator has the earth erroneously rotating backwards, interestingly nevertheless shows the areas where I have determined the polar openings are located to have voids in polar orbiting satellites, both for the Arctic region and the Antarctic continent

My latest best estimate of the size of the polar openings are that they are 925 miles in diameter where they start to dip into the earth, and at the neck of the polar openings are 125 miles in diameter.  The North Polar Opening is located near Northland, Russia at 85 N Lat, 130 E Lon.  The South Polar Opening is on the exact opposite of the globe at 85 S Lat, 50 W Lon.  Of course, they do not appear on any map or satellite photo.  Why?  Because their existence is World Top Secret!  Do you think that since NASA technicians are told to air brush out any UFOs that appear in their photos from space, they would not do the same to the location that UFOs come from?  Since there is no mass in these 125 mile in diameter holes in the earth, there is no gravity to hold an orbiting satellite in polar orbit about the earth should one be placed in orbit above the holes.  Hence the void in polar orbiting satellites over the openings. 

The negative anomalies over the polar openings are so great that the U.S. has lost satellites over them. In the early 1960's when the U.S. was trying to put its first satellites into polar orbit, they kept losing them over the Arctic up near the pole until they decided to put them into orbit on either side of the polar opening. When they tried to send their satellites over the polar opening, several satellite cones were lost because they followed the earth's curvature into the earth's hollow interior where they crashed. (SECRET OF THE AGES, p. 130)

Ray Palmer wrote in 1959,

"Most recent evidence that there is something strange about the Poles of Earth comes in the launching of Polar orbit satellites. The first six of these rockets launched by the United States from the California coast were full of disappointments--and surprises. The first two, although perfect launchings, seemed to go wrong at the last minute, and although presumed to be in orbit, failed to show up on the first complete pass around the Earth. Technically speaking, they should have gone into orbit but they did not. Something happened, and the location of this something was the Polar area."

"The next two rockets fired did achieve orbits. This was done by 'elevating sights,' so to speak, and trying for a higher orbit, with a large degree of eccentricity, that is, a high point of orbit above the poles and a low point of orbit at equatorial areas. It was admitted that this eccentric orbit would produce a short-lived orbit, but it would also give the advantage of readings at widely varied heights above the Earth. Especially interesting was the readings expected above the Poles, because of the discovery of the radiation ring that surrounds the Earth like a huge doughnut, with openings at both Poles (see Chapter Ten of my book The Earth’s Van Allen Radiation Belts Prove Our Earth Is Hollow!)..."

“The next two satellites bore nose cones similar to those in which a future astronaut would be sent into orbit. In each one was a powerful radio transmitter, which was possible because the cone was the size of an automobile, and carried heavy batteries. Also included were powerful lights which could be illuminated at the proper time. The technique of releasing this cone from the satellite was to drop it by a radio-triggered device somewhere north of Alaska. Once dropped, the cone lost altitude and proceeded around the Earth for one more revolution on its orbit. Having come over the Pole it was then low enough (calculated the rocket men) to drop into the atmosphere over Hawaii, where a parachute would lower it slowly to the Earth's surface, and there huge planes awaited, rigged to "fish for" the descending cone, and take it into the plane before it dropped into the ocean and thus retrieve its important contents intact, without damage of crash landing."

"On both occasions the following happened: The powerful radio signals were not heard at all. The lights were not seen at all. Radar, with a range of at least 500 miles detected absolutely nothing. Each "pick-up" was a complete failure because there was nothing to pick up..."

"Each launching was perfect. Orbits finely determined as to exact distance, speed, etc. were achieved, and constantly tracked. Yet, when the final deed is done, and the cone is detached successfully according to monitoring devices signaling the detachment, everything goes wrong and the result is complete and inexplicable disappearance of the cone..."

"Can it be that the reason the descending cone does not come over the Pole on that last low pass is because the Polar Area is mysterious in extent, not in the area calculated by the rocket men, and therefore not taken into consideration? Can it be that the nose cone fell to Earth inside that "land of mystery" discovered by Admiral Byrd? Where else could they have gone? If the Earth at the Poles is as given on today's maps, could four successive "low-level" launchings give the same inexplicable result -- unreasonable disappearance?" (LANDS BEYOND THE POLES by Ray Palmer, published by Gray Barker, pp. 13-14.  See also DEEP BLACK by William E. Burrows, pp. 105-106.)

Today there are no satellites in polar orbit that go directly over the polar openings. Those in polar orbit all go to one side or the other of the polar openings. That is, all except two. There are two satellites that have been discovered in polar orbit which DO go directly over the polar openings. These satellites belong to no known nation on earth. And they are different from our satellites. These two mysterious satellites consist of rock about 15 tons in size. (UFO REPORT Aug. 1977, p. 29)

It would seem that these two polar "rock" satellites belong to the nation inside Our Hollow Earth who know how to cause their satellites to compensate for the lack of gravity over the polar holes. These rock satellites cannot be thought to be meteorites that have gone into polar orbit. It is the consensus of scientists that the possibility of meteors going into orbit around the earth of their own accord is practically impossible. And the possibility of TWO going into the same orbit and setting up stable orbits IS impossible without intelligent guidance.

10/31/2017.  A list member brought to my attention an article titled, "MH370:  What if it were to happen in the Arctic?," written by Mia Bennett in Cryopolitics, March, 2014 in which she shows a map she made from data from, using great circle distances of the current airline flights over the Arctic.  You will notice on her map that no airline flies over the area where I have determined the North Polar Opening is located at 85 N Lat, 130 E Lon near Northland, Russia.  The reason airlines cannot fly over the polar opening is like one airline pilot told my friend Lord Ivars, "it would be like going into outer space" because it is such a large hole in the earth that an airline jet cannot fly over it.  There is not enough air over the hole to hold the airplane aloft.
There are three flights that fly over Northland, Russia, which would be the closest flights to the polar opening.  One flight looks like it goes from New York to Bangkok, Indonesia, and the other two flights appear to fly from Moscow to a Russian city near Alaska.  Could there be a possibility of passengers flying on one of these three flights to see the polar opening on a clear day during the Arctic daytime? 
My list member says that perfect visibility at 37,000 feet from an airline plane should allow you to see about 235 miles.  I estimate the passengers on the one flight from New York to Bangkok, Indonesia would need to be able to see 424 miles in order to see the polar opening on the left of the plane before the plane gets to Northland, Russia.  Passengers on the two flights from Moscow to the Russian city near Alaska would need to see about 358 miles in order to see the polar opening on the left of the plane after it passes over Northland, Russia, which is the land closest to the polar opening location.  So most likely even these closest flights to the polar opening are too far away for the passengers to see the hole in the earth, but they may get close enough to see the curvature of the earth into the opening.
7/4/2017.  On May 31st I was interviewed by some Frenchmen that are doing a video documentary on the significance of the year 1947.  One of them, Marc Gray, could speak English.  They wanted to know what I thought about the year 1947 as a turning point in history from the Hollow Earth point of view. 
We discussed Operation High Jump that went to Antarctica in the latter half of 1946 and returned in the first two months of 1947.  It consisted of 4,700 men, an aircraft carrier, a submarine, a destroyer, and some icebreaker ships led by Admiral Richard E. Byrd to the Antarctic to investigate where the hundreds of thousands of Germans escaped to at the end of World War II.  Secretary of Defense Forrestal wanted to tell the people what we were up to in Antarctica, but the world controllers didn't and had him fired as Secretary of Defense and later thrown out of the 16th floor of the Bethesda Navy Hospital in Maryland. The Russians were spying on us to see what would happen and at one point filmed flying saucers coming up out of the Antarctic Ocean.  You can watch the documentary on my Other Links page near the bottom.  Our fleet sent up airplanes from the aircraft carrier but they were shot down by laser beams from the flying saucers.  The destroyer caught fire and some lives were lost in the fight before the saucers dove back under the waves.  The Hollow Earth Nation felt threatened and responded in defense of their country. 
Operation High Jump was to last for six months into 1947, but it was cut short and returned to the United States in February.  Admiral Byrd was interviewed by the Chilean El Mercurio newspaper on March 5, 1947,
"Admiral Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate defense measures against the possible invasion of the country by hostile aircraft operating from the polar regions.  The Admiral stated, 'I don't want to frighten anyone unduly but it is a bitter reality that in the case of a new war the continental United States will be attacked by aircraft flying in from one or both poles.'" 
I told Marc about the German letter I have on my website written by Karl Unger who made it to Our Hollow Earth as a refugee from World War II.  His submarine U-209 captained by Heinrich Brodda were given certain coordinates to see if they could make it to Inner Earth, which they did.  Karl Unger then wrote a letter back to his friend Tawani Shoush of the hollow earth society in Houston, Missouri.  The letter was delivered through a German colony in the Matto Grosso in Brazil that had a tunnel to the hollow earth, spoken about in the unpublished book by John B. Leith, Genesis for a New Space Race.  The Germans of Germany had contacted the hollow earth people and had requested asylum in case they lost the war.  They had discovered that the Lost Tribes of the hollow earth were their cousins.  They were told they would be accepted if they would commit to giving up their war-like nature and become a peaceful people.  Nevertheless, the hollow earth nation was ready to defend their own country with their flying saucers should they be attacked.  And to them, Operation High Jump was an attempt at an invasion of Our Hollow Earth.
I am convinced that the fake Admiral Byrd diary stating that he flew into the Arctic through the North Polar Opening on February 15, 1947 actually occurred in February 1927 as John B. Leith relates in his book, Genesis for a New Space Race.  It was a year after Byrd's flight to the North Pole at the time Admundsen was flying his dirigible from Spizbergen across the pole to Alaska.  Byrd and his navigator took off after Amundsen left Spitzabergen in his dirigible, and so beat Amundsen to the North Pole.  Byrd's navigator Floyd Bennett told Byrd about the Hollow Earth theory that there was a giant hole in the earth near the North Pole, and encouraged him to fly on the other side of the pole to look for it.  They found the opening, and started flying down in the giant hole into the earth, but Byrd decided to turn back to their base camp on Spitzbergen.  The next year, in 1927, the United States Navy sponsored Byrd and Bennett's flight from Alert Base, Ellesemere Island on a 1,700 mile flight into the North Polar Opening.  They passed the ice and came to the Inner Continent covered by lush vegetation and saw a giant mammoth wandering through the underbrush.  As they were turning around to come back, some people on the ground waved to them.  When Byrd and Bennett arrived in Washington, he delivered over 300 photos of their trip to the hollow earth, but President Calvin Coolidge did not want to publicize their discovery, thinking it was way too far out to be believed.  It wasn't until about 1930 that the U.S. government began to believe the earth was hollow after the disovery of the north polar opening once again by Charles Lindberg, and Jonathan Caldwell.
In 1946 and 1947 Admiral Byrd was sent to Antarctica in Operation High Jump.  His secret orders were to determine where hundreds of thousands of Germans had escaped to after World War II.  He flew half-way through the South Polar Opening in 1946 and determined it was 125 mile wide at the neck of the opening.  In 1947, he took an armada of eight airplanes through the South Polar Opening. After passing through the opening into the hollow earth, his airplanes were approached by hollow earth flying saucers having a swastica ensignia on them.  Byrd thinking them to be enemy Germans that had escapted to the hollow earth, orders his airplanes to fire on the flying saucers.  The saucers returned the fire and knocked all his airplanes out of the air except his own and he was ordered to exit the hollow earth and never return.  Before Byrd to reach his aircraft carrier in the southern office off the coast of Antarctica, the Russians filmed hollow earth flying saucers coming up out of the sea and knocking airplanes launched from the carrier out of the air.  Their lasers also set the fleet's destroyer on fire.  Some lives were lost before the saucers dove back beneath the waves.  This proved that the hollow earth nation knows how to defend their country.
In the summer of 1947, the hollow earth government sent their flying saucers out to outer earth to make sure we do not use nuclear weapons.  Our military were placed on orders to shoot the flying saucers down.  Since the hollow earth nation is a peaceful people, our military does not fear any retaliation for shooting their spacecraft out of the air.  They know the hollow earth nation is the political Kingdom of God and will not retaliate, even though they have defended their homeland from invasion.  Also, the  military wanted to know how the flying saucers work so they could back engineer the technology of the flying saucers and the androids that fly them.  This they have done in super secret deep black unacknowledged underground projects using trillions of dollars that even the Congress cannot account for.
On June 24, 1947, flying saucers were sighted flying south over the Cascade Mountains of the State of Washington by the pilot Kenneth Arnold.  Several flying saucers were brought down near Roswell, New Mexico, where we had, at that time, the only nuclear airborne squadron in the world.  Since then, nuclear tipped missiles have been intercepted and destroyed by the flying saucers including a nuclear warhead in route to the moon, as one of Dr. Greer's expert witnesses has testified.  In fact, our Apollo astronauts were warned off the moon because of it.  And we haven't returned to the Moon.  Every time our military sends up rockets into space in an attempt to weaponize space, they are intercepted and destroyed.  Col. Ed Dames testified on Coast to Coast AM that in the 60's UFOs prevented nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union.  Missiles on both sides were shut down by UFOs.  We can thank the Lost Tribes of Our Hollow Earth for preventing nuclear war.  They have literally kept us from blowing up the planet.  They are a peaceful people, but will put up with no efforts from our military forces in trying to start a nuclear war. Their flying saucers keep a constant surveillance on outer earth as witnessed by the highest rate of sightings occurring at military bases having nuclear weapons.
For a long time I thought that the Illuminati were at the top of world control of our outer world.  Then again, and again, I would come across reports of the Jesuits being involved in nearly everything.  And I remembered that even the Illuminati was first set up by a Jesuit Priest, Adam Weishaupt, May 1, 1776.  Now we learn that Pope Francis is a Jesuit.  And how curious that he came to America and was accepted so very well by former President Obama.  He spoke to Congress, at the UN and at Philadelphia.  One thing after another, and now I am convinced that the Jesuits are indeed at the top of world control like I have been told.  The Jesuits control the Catholic church, the Illuminati, the Communists, the International Bankers, the UN, the Democrats and the Liberals.  Indeed, the Bible calls this group of no-gooders the "Great and Abominable Church" run by Lucifer in this fallen world.  So of course, they don't want the world to know about Our Hollow Earth and the Political Kingdom of God that is the government of Our Hollow Earth.  Lucifer and his fallen angels that Jude talks about in Jude 1:6 are hard at work trying their best to wrest control of this world from the Creator.  Most likely they know they will lose, but they will do their best to take as many with them as they can. 
They only have a few more years left.  As the flying saucer people told Larry Foreman in the desert outside Los Angeles in 1960, the flying saucer people are coming to take us all home in what they call, "Project Milana."  Will we be ready to be caught up and saved from the Killshot that Col. Ed Dames has been warning us about for years when the Sun will burn the earth with a solar flare?  Our Creator, Jesus Christ wants to save us, but He won't force anyone to Heaven.  It must come from our very own willingness to accept Him as a our Savior, and from our very own willingness to keep His commandments so that He will want to save us when he comes to bring His Kingdom to outer Earth in the next few years.  Only those that are caught up will later descend to live with Jesus Christ on this Earth during his Millennial Reign.  The Earth will be cleansed from all wickedness, renewed and raised to a higher level of righteousness worthy of His presence in the coming Paradisiacal Order.  Will you be ready to be caught up, or do you want to be burned to a crisp?  The decision is yours.
3/9/2017.  A year or two ago, as my wife and I were reading the Bible, I came upon this passage in Psalms 136:6 "To Him that stretched out the earth above the waters: for his mercy endureth for ever." 
This scriptural passage is referring to the 3rd day of Creation, when God caused the first original continent to emerge from the waters that covered the surface of the earth.  But it was the inner surface of our hollow planet God is talking about.
Because on the 2nd Day of Creation, God created the firmament, heaven, or hollow expanse within the hollow earth:  Genesis 1: 6 "And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day."
Then in verse 9, the first action on the 3rd Day of Creation was to create the Inner Continent:  Genesis 1:9 "And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.

10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good."
So I realized from the verse in Psalms 136:6, that in Genesis 1:9 God caused the waters under the heaven to be gathered into one place, so that the location of the land that was brought up out of the sea in verse 10, was "above" the waters gathered together in one place in verse 9.
But how could land or the inner continent be caused to emerge "above" the sea as Psalms 136:6 states?  Only in a hollow earth.
The hollow is described in the scripture as the firmament, expanse or heaven of the hollow earth.  And on the 2nd day, water covered the surface of the entire inner surface of the planet, the hollow divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament.  The continent was then caused to appear on the opposite side of the hollow "above" the firmament, expanse, or heaven which is the hollow of the earth.  Below that continent, on the opposite side of the hollow, on the interior inner surface on the opposite side of the hollow was the inner ocean gathered together in one place as Genesis 1:9 states.  This could only occur in the hollow interior of a hollow planet where the inner continent literally could be above the waters of the inner ocean on the opposite side of the interior surface of the planet.  The Creation story literally describes the creation of our hollow earth.
12/8/2016.  On December 6, 2016, I gave an interview on Beyond Reality Radio on evidences for the hollow earth / hollow planets theory.
10/19/2016.  I have updated our yahoo group site on our expedition here.
8/5/2016.  Proof that the North Polar Opening is not located at the geographic pole end of earth are the expeditions taken by Quark Expeditions each year with Russian Nuclear Icebreakers to the geographic North Pole from Murmansk, Russia.  One expedition member in 2015 made this video documentary of his trip to the pole on the Russian nuclear icebreaker, 50 Years of Victory.  The reason why Quark Expedition members are not finding the North Polar Opening at the North Pole is because the North Polar Opening is not located at the geographic North Pole.  It is located 363 statute miles from the North Pole on the Russian side of the pole.  My latest best estimate for the location of the North Polar Opening is 85 N 130 E based on the anomalous readings taken by the U.S. Naval Laboratory in October 2015.  Read about those readings and see their images in an article below dated 10/26/2015.
6/1/2016.  This past week, one of our expedition members sent me a youtube video of Dr. Frank Stranges speaking at a UFO conference many years ago before his passing.  From Dr. Stranges' testimony you can learn of his having met Commander Valient Thor of Venus in about 1959 at the Pentagon.  Dr. Stranges had heard of Valient Thor from a U.S. Air Force photographer who took a photo of Valient Thor at a meeting held by contactee Howard Menger in High Bridge, New Jersey and sent the photo to Dr. Stranges.  Dr. Stranges exhibited this photo of a man from Venus at many UFO conventions where he spoke. 
At one convention, he was invited by a lady that worked at the Pentagon to go with her to meet Valient Thor, who at that time had been at the Pentagon for two years.  Following instructions, Dr. Stranges was able to get past two guard houses and met Valient Thor for one-half hour at the Pentagon.  Valient Thor told Dr. Stranges that he had met with many top leaders of our country, including President Eisenhower, and Richard Nixon.  Valient Thor offered a detailed Instruction book to President Eisenhower on how he could eliminate poverty, all sickness and disease and even death from our country. 
After reviewing the book of Instructions for ONE YEAR, President Eisenhower returned the book to Valient Thor saying that we couldn't accept his assistance because it would destroy the economy of our country.  Although two U.S. Air Force Intelligence officers later came to his hotel and told him not to tell anyone of his meeting with Valient Thor, Dr. Stranges put it all in a book called, "Stranger at the Pentagon," and later after he had become fast friends with Valient Thor, he was even invited aboard Valient Thor's flying saucer.  Dr. Stranges later wrote his other book, "My Friend From Beyond Earth," which I have had a copy of for many years.  Valient Thor also wrote a book that Dr. Stranges published called, "Outwitting Tomorrow." 
As recorded in these books, Valient Thor told Dr. Stranges that his planet Venus is hollow like our Earth is hollow and that his people live INSIDE Venus.  As you will also learn in this video, Valient Thor told Dr. Stranges that all the planets in our solar system including Earth and Venus are hollow, and that people live in their interior worlds.  In the 50's Howard Menger was taken to an alien base on the far side of the moon in a Venusian flying saucer craft, as he described in his book, The High Bridge Incident, The Story Behind the Story, and at that base he met people from all the planets in our solar system. 
NASA may not be able to see any people living on the surfaces of the other planets in our solar system, but we have the verbal and written testimony of Dr. Frank Stranges that he was told by a man from Venus named Valient Thor, that all the planets are hollow and people live in their interiors.  If you read Dr. Stranges books, you will learn that Val Thor told him that his people of Venus are Christians, and that they walk and talk daily with Jesus Christ, our creator.  Dr. Stranges' widow still maintains their website and continues to publish a newsletter with regular communications from Commander Valient Thor of Venus.  In Dr. Stranges book, "My Friend From Beyond Earth," Valient Thor tells us that he is commander of a spaceship 7 miles long and 3 miles tall and is also head of the Council of the Twelve of the planet Venus.  He came to Earth in a flying saucer craft he called, "Victor One" to try to bring us back in harmony with our creator.
12/26/2015.  Here is video proof that the earth was inhabited by giants prior to Noah's flood which caused their footprints to be preserved when their footprints were covered in the mud of the flood that then turned to stone.
11/4/2015.  A 2010 scientific paper by Nassim Haramein, The Schwarzschild Proton, provides confirmation to my theory of Gravity which is now included in my book.  My paper on gravity is titled, The Origin, Cause and Control of Gravity -- Found!.  In my study of the hollow earth, I came to the conclusion that the hollow earth requires a revision in gravity theory because the orthodox scientific theory of gravity claims that everywhere inside a hollow planet there would be zero gravity.  Yet my research on the hollow earth theory requires that the interior surface of our hollow planet has a surface gravity somewhat less than our outer surface gravity, but it is NOT zero.  People that have been to our hollow earth, report that their feet are as firmly planted on the inner surface as our feet are planted on our outer surface.  In my gravity paper, I arrived at an estimated inner surface gravity at the equator of 418.44 cm/sec2, which is 42.785% of our surface gravity.  So if you weigh 100 lbs here on the outer surface of the planet, on the inner surface you would weigh about 42.785 lbs, which is somewhat more than 2/5ths of your weight on the outer surface of the Earth.
As I studied gravity further, I came to the conclusion that gravity is NOT a pull by matter, but actually is a push towards matter from space.  Although matter causes the acceleration of gravity, what is accelerating into matter is the ether of space.  Orthodox science rejects the existence of the ether of space, based, they claim, on the Michelson-Morley experiment performed in 1887.  But the Michelson-Morley experiment did not give a null value for the existence of the ether.  They just claimed it was in the range of error.  They performed the experiment in a basement with heavy concrete walls that helped to shield the ether.  Also, their experiment was performed parallel to the surface of the earth, so that any ether accelerating into the earth as gravity would have very little effect on the experimental results.  In the appendix of my paper, I include the gyro-drop experiment performed in 1977 at the National Institutes of Health by Kenneth Gerber in which a spinning 7.23 lb gyroscope was found to fall .333% faster than when it was not spinning.  I attribute the faster fall of a spinning gyroscope to the spin facilitating the passage of the gyroscope through the ether and the non-spinning gyroscope as impeding its passage through the ether.  Perhaps that is why all bodies in space are rotating.  Their rotation facilitates their passage through the ether of space.
In the nucleus of all atoms, my theory of gravity states that the spinning nature of nuclei particles creates a vacuum in the ether causing all surrounding ether to accelerate into fill that vacuum in the nucleus of all atoms.  The acceleration of the ether into fill the vacuum in the ether in the nucleus of all atoms is what gives the effect of gravity -- it is a push by the ether accelerating into the vacuum in the nucleus of all atoms.  The Gravitation Constant means, therefore, that for every gram of matter in the universe, an acceleration in the ether of space is generated to the value of 6.67259 x 10-8 centimeters per second squared towards the center of that gram of mass.  As the ether accelerates towards the centers of each atom, the ether exerts a pressure force we call gravity.

In Nassim Haramein's paper, The Schwarzschild Proton, he shows that protons spinning in mini-black hole-like conditions in the nucleus of atoms could cause the acceleration of gravity into a spin reaching the speed of light in the nucleus of atoms, which theory could lead to the unification of all the forces of energy and matter.
In my book, I conclude that the Ether of space is the underlying foundational premise of the Unified Field Theory. It is the prime construct of the universe. Everything is made of it. It's ever constant flow into the earth holds us to the planet. It governs the motions of both solar systems and the electrons orbiting the nucleus of atoms, their magnetic fields, electrostatic and centrifugal forces. It is the force of inertia. The ether is a tenuous etheric substance or spiritual gas that fills the universe. It gives life to all things. It is the medium that the communication of prayer uses to transmit messages. It's resistance to the passage of light is what gives light a speed limit. It is the "Light of Christ" that fills every soul to give us life and understanding. It is the Power of God which he uses to govern the universe.  The acceleration of the ether into the shell of the planet is what keeps our feet firmly planted on the surface of the planet.  It's acceleration into the inner surface equally keeps those that live on the interior surface of our hollow earth with their feet firmly planted on the inner surface.  However, the acceleration of gravity into the opposite side of the hollow earth and the interior sun do decrease the weight of a person standing on the inner surface to somewhat more than 2/5ths of our outer surface gravity.

By knowing what causes gravity, gravity can then be controlled to the benefit of mankind, which I further describe in my book.
10/26/2015.  I have been referred to some impressive Arctic ice concentration images from the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory showing what I believe could be the best evidence I have seen yet for the location of the North Polar Opening.  Because of the angle of the orbiting satellite, on the October 25, 2015 image a brighter reflection point is given of the lower latitude location of  a lower percentage of ice concentration similar to a light reflecting off the far side of the polar lip, which gives us a marker for one side of the opening, while on the opposite side a less brighter reflection point is given which gives us the ability to calculate the diameter of the opening.  Using these two bright spots I have estimated the diameter of the polar opening at 125 statute miles at the neck of the north polar opening, placing the center at 85 N Lat, 130 E Lon, which I have drawn on this image of the location of the opening.  I have redrawn my drawing of the North Polar Opening with these coordinates here, and showing the size and location on a Google earth map here.  We thank the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory for showing us where the North Polar Opening most likely is located.
This would put the polar opening in the Eurasian Basin as you can see on this sea floor map.  Notice that the Lomonosov Ridge at these coordinates curves around the Eurasian Basin, which curvature may be caused by the polar opening being located there. Notice also that the Eurasian and Fram Basins are the deepest basins in the Arctic sea floor.
At this location for the North Polar Opening, notice also that the ice thickness image from the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory also shows these same two spots giving thinner ice on each side of the opening, as well as the sea surface salinity is lower in these two spots, and the sea surface temperature is higher in these two same spots.  As you can also see, in this NASA image of the Arctic ice for 2012, there is a hole in the ice at these same exact coordinates, as can also be seen in this image from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer on NASA's Aqua satellite of February 25, 2011.
10/7/2015.  In Donald B. MacMillan's book, Four Years in the White North he describes his Crocker Land Expedition which had the objective of finding and exploring land that Admiral Peary had sighted from the top of a mountain on the northern shores of the Arctic near Ellesmere Island in Northern Canada.  With his dogs, sledges and his Eskimos, MacMillan and Lt. Green made their way out over the ice in the Arctic Ocean northwest of Axel Heiberg Island which is near Ellesmere Island in search of Crocker Land that Admiral Peary had sighted in his expeditions to find the North Pole.
In June, 1906, Peary had stood on the summit of Cape Colgate and announced his discovery of what he called Crocker Land.  He wrote in his book, Nearest the Pole, "North stretched the well-known ragged surface of the polar pack, and northwest it was with a thrill that my glasses revealed the faint white summits of a distant land which my Eskimos claimed to have seen as we came along from the last camp."  A few days later he stood on the summit of Cape Columbia and recorded, "The clear day greatly favored my work in taking a round of angles, and with the glass I could make out apparently a little more distinctly the snow-clad summits of a distant land in the northwest, above the ice horizon.  My heart leaped the intervening miles of ice as I looked longingly at this land, and in fancy I trod its shores and climbed its summits, even though I knew that that pleasure could be only for another in another season."  (pp. 202, 207)
Peary named the land he saw Crocker Land.  So MacMillan was returning to see if he could find it.   In 1914, at an estimated 78 miles from land over the sea ice in the direction Peary saw Crocker Land, MacMillan recorded, "April 21st was a beautiful day; all mist was gone and the clear blue of the sky extended down to the very horizon.  Green was no sooner out of the igloo than he came running back, calling in through the door, 'We have it!'  Following Green, we ran to the top of the highest mound.  There could be no doubt about it.  Great heavens!  what a land!  Hills, valleys, snow-capped peaks extending through at least one hundred and twenty degrees of the horizon.  I turned to Pee-a-wah-to anxiously and asked him toward which point we had better lay course.  After critically examining the supposed landfall for a few minutes, he astounded me by replying that he thought it was poo-jok (mist).  E-took-a-shoo offered no encouragement, saying, 'Perhaps it is.'  Green was still convinced that it must be land.  At any rate, it was worth watching.  As we proceeded the landscape gradually changed its appearance and varied in extend with the swinging around of the sun; finally at night it disappeared altogether.  As we drank our hot tea and gnawed the pemmican, we did a good deal of thinking.  Could Peary with all his experience have been mistaken?  Was this mirage which had deceived us the very thing which had deceived him eight years before?  If he did see Crocker Land, then it was considerably more than 120 miles away, for we were now at least 100 miles from shore, with nothing in sight."  (pg. 80)
MacMillan continued 9 more days in the direction of the mirage, but not seeing it again, and having run short of food, and finding the going very rough ice, they decided the mirage was a will-o'-the-wisp, that Crocker Land did not exist and turned back.  On the way back to land, they saw the mirage again.  "Throughout the day the mirage of sea ice, resembling in every particular an immense land, continued to mock us.  It seemed so near and so easily attainable if we would only turn back."   (pg. 86)
Back on land, they decided to climb up on the hill that Admiral Peary had sighted Crocker Land from.  They found the place where Peary had left a piece of the American flag with a very brief record, "Peary, June 28, 1906."  MacMillan then records, "We now turned eagerly to an examination of the Polar Sea,  Peary stood here in June, 1906, and from this very spot he saw what resembled land lying to the northwest, 120 miles distant.  The day was exceptionally clear, not a cloud or trace of mist; if land could be seen, now was our time.  Yes, there it was!  It could even be seen without a glass, extending from southwest true to north-northeast.  Our powerful glasses, however, brought out more clearly the dark background in contrast with the white, the whole resembling hills, valleys, and snow-capped peaks to such a degree that, had we not been out on the frozen sea for 150 miles, we would have staked our lives upon its reality.  Our judgment then, as now, is that this was a mirage or loom of the sea ice." (pgs. 87-88)
As Jan Lamprecht pointed out in his book, Hollow Planets, MacMillan apparently did not understand that a mirage in the Arctic, unlike mirages in the lower latitudes which reflect the sky, called an inferior mirage, in the Arctic the exact opposite happens.  Mirages in the Arctic, called superior mirages, reflect the earth's surface.  This happens as the warm air rising up out of the Polar Opening creates a warm layer of air above the cold layer of air next to the ice that reflects what is on the surface to a person traveling over the Arctic ice farther away.  Many Arctic explorers observed in the far north what was called the "water-sky" where leads in the ice in the mirage would reveal water between the ice floes up ahead, which they would then use to try to find their way between ice floes.  The fact is, mirages in the far north Arctic do not reflect what is in the sky like they do in lower latitudes, but what is on the surface.  So if MacMillan, Green and his Eskimos were seeing land as a mirage in the far north, they were actually seeing land that is over the horizon reflected in the sky as a mirage of land.
That land has been seen all around the Arctic.  It is the inner continent that starts half-way through the polar opening.  It has been seen by many Arctic explorers.  Admiral Peary and MacMillan saw it from Axel Heiberg Island in Northern Canada.  Captain Keenan sighted it from Harrison Bay on the north shore of Alaska.  The Russians have seen it from the New Siberian Islands and called it Sannikov Land.  Dr. Frederick A. Cook took a photo of it on his way to the pole in 1908.  He called it Bradley land.  That land does indeed exist although it is not on any map!  Dr. Cook sighted the Inner Continent from 84.83 N, 95.60 W as a mirage towards the northwest of his position.  The mirage is a reflection in the sky of the Inner Continent caused by a layer of warm air coming up out of the opening.  I have calculated the distance from Dr. Cook's position to the mirage of the Inner Continent at 590 statute miles.
The mirages seen of land in the far north from all around the Arctic prove that land does exist.  As Jan Lamprecht explained so well in his book, mirages of land usually show an upside down image of the land in the sky, but sometimes when the conditions are right, another upright image has been seen at times above the upside down image beneath it.  In these mirages of land seen around the Arctic, the warm air rising up out of the Polar Opening is reflecting the land within the Polar Opening which is the Inner Continent of Our Hollow Earth.  What explorers are seeing is not the first up-side down image, which is obscured beneath the horizon within the Polar Opening, but the right side up image above it that extends just above the horizon within the sight of the observers.  The North Polar Opening with its Inner Continent halfway through the opening does exist, but since the time of MacMillan's Crocker Land Expedition, it has become a World Top Secret, or considered a non-existent will-o'-the-wisp as MacMillan called it.
If MacMillan, Lt. Green and their Eskimos had continued on toward the mirage of Crocker Land and not turned back as they did, they would have eventually reached the Inner Continent of Our Hollow Earth which starts about half way through the North Polar Opening.
8/27/2015.  Smithsonian Admits to Destruction of Thousands of Giant Human Skeletons in Early 1900s.  So not only is the Smithsonian Institute hiding evidence that our ancestors were giants, but also that our earth is hollow.  Willis George Emerson in his book, The Smoky God, which is a manuscript he published of the old Norse fisherman, Olaf Jansen, in which Olaf related to Emerson of the journey he and his father Jens Jansen made to our hollow earth through the north polar opening in 1829, said that he was going to donate the maps of the hollow earth that Olaf had given him to the Smithsonian Institute.  The U.S. first expedition to Antarctica was launched in the 1830's as result of hollow earth theorists of the 19th century asking Congress to investigate the hollow earth theory.  Evidence collected by that expedition became the basis for the establishment of the Smithsonian Institute.
2/27/2015.  The remains of a baby woolly rhinoceros has been discovered in the permafrost of Siberia on the bank of a stream flowing into the Semyulyakh River in the Abyysky district of Siberia.  This area is south of the New Siberian Islands where for centuries remains of animals thought to be extinct have been found.  The remains of hyena, giant lions, deer, horses, hippopotamus and the woolly mammoth have been found.  But as Arctic explorer Olaf Jansen related in his book, The Smoky God, these animals presently live in our hollow earth, and up near the north polar opening in winter sometimes fall into crevasses in the frozen river ice and are later carried out to sea when in summer the sun shines into the polar opening thawing out the frozen river mouths.  The carcasses are pushed out into the Arctic Ocean encased in the icebergs and eventually end up on the coasts of Siberia.
For example, in J.W. Buel's, THE WORLD'S WONDER'S, we read that in 1799, a fisherman of Tongoose, named Schumachoff discovered a tremendous woolly mammoth preserved in a huge block of ice clear as crystal along the banks of the river Lena that empties into the Arctic Ocean from Siberia. When some of these animals were opened up, undigested green vegetation was found in their stomachs indicating that these animals froze so quickly that only shortly before they froze they had been able to find green vegetation to eat not too far distant from where they fell into the ice and were frozen.  Olaf also explains in his book that the inner earth rivers that empty into the Arctic Ocean within the North Polar Opening is the origin of most the fresh-water icebergs that cover the Arctic Ocean.  Many Arctic explorers noticed that these icebergs often contain sand, dirt and tree branches that are scrapped off the river banks as the icebergs are pushed out to sea in summer.  Sometimes these icebergs also carry the carcasses of inner earth animals that accidentally fall into the ice and are frozen, such as the baby woolly rhinoceros that has now been discovered in Siberia.
2/15/2015.  The Universe is teaming with life.  A leaked NASA video shows many UFOs flying out of earth's atmosphere, and snap shots of the moon shows alien activity there also, including ours from the Apollo missions.  Watch the video here.
10/27/2014.  In Clark B. Hinckley's excellent book, Christopher Columbus, A Man Among the Gentiles, Clark discusses that among Columbus' reasons for sailing west in search of the Indies was the possibility of discovering the lost Garden of Eden.  Columbus was well read and knew that the writers of that era believed the Terrestrial Paradise, or Garden of Eden was on a high mountain.  In John Mandeville's book, Travels, he wrote, "The Earthly Paradise, so men say, is the highest land on earth...In the middle of Paradise is a spring from which come four rivers...".  Dante recounted the belief that the Garden of Eden was located at the edge of the East, and at the highest point of the globe.  So when Columbus found a river coming out of the South American continent with such volume that it issued fresh water far out into the Caribbean Sea, he concluded that it must originate from an unknown continent with a high mountain that must be the location for the Garden of Eden.
Clark concludes that Columbus found the new continent of America, which he called the "Indies" where he believed was located the lost Garden of Eden on a high mountain.  Although Columbus came closer to finding the continent where the lost Garden of Eden is located, the actual discovery fell to a Norwegian fisherman Olaf Jansen, and his father Jens Jansen, who after accidentally sailing through the North Polar Opening into the interior of the earth in 1829, were taken by the inhabitants there to the highest mountain plateau of the Inner Continent wherein is located the lost Garden of Eden.  My estimate of it's location is 800 miles beneath Independence, Jackson County, Missouri.
The American prophet Joseph Smith revealed that north of Independence is Adam-ondi-Ahman, near Spring Hill, Daviess County, Missouri, the home of Adam and Eve after they were driven out of the Garden of Eden by God for having partaken of the forbidden fruit.  In Columbus' writings, he also cited an interesting scripture, found in Psalms 74:12, that the King James version of the Bible quotes as, "For God is my King of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth."  In the Spanish language, which Columbus read and wrote his books in, the words "the midst" is given as "en medio," which can be translated as "in the center."  So with this translation, we can say that "God works his salvation in the center of the earth."  Olaf Jansen in his travels to our hollow earth reported that in the center of the earth is located what he called "the Smoky God," or the Inner Sun that gives light and life to the inner world.  In my book, I give the scriptural references that show that the Inner Sun of our earth is the location of Heaven, or Paradise of the Spirit World of this earth.  It is the location of the throne of God, the place where all the righteous dead go to at death to be judged by Jesus Christ, who is the creator of this Heaven and this Earth.
9/3/2014.  After corresponding with Mark McCutcheon regarding his book, THE FINAL THEORY, Roland Michel Tremblay obtained from Mark definite proof that gravity is NOT a pull.  Read Roland's article here.  In my book, I propose a new gravity theory which I  consider is necessary to explain how planets are naturally hollow creations.  Orthodox science teaches that everywhere inside a hollow planet gravity would be zero.  If such would be the case, then any people living there would be floating around in zero gravity.  But such is not the case.  We have eye witness testimony of people that have been there and all report that there is an inner surface gravity that keeps the people and animals that live there with their feet firmly planted on the inner surface of our planet.  This then requires a revision in gravity theory.
Mark McCutcheon's solution is that everything is expanding including the earth, which expansion he claims produces the effect of  gravity.  While I accept Neal Adam's expanding earth theory (only with a much smaller time-frame) that the earth once had a smaller diameter where all the continents fit together like a jig-saw puzzle, and that over time has expanded to its present diameter, and is still presently expanding, I cannot accept Mark's theory that the earth is expanding so fast that it produces the effect of gravity.  What is really happening, instead, is that the effect of gravity, in my theory of gravity, is caused by a push of the ether of space into all matter.
As given in the edition of my book that includes my paper on the ORIGIN, CAUSE AND CONTROL OF GRAVITY -- FOUND!, even Isaac Newton did not believe that gravity was a pull.  He believed that space was full of an etheric substance that allowed light to travel through it.  In my book, I give the evidence that the Michelson-Morley experiment that all college text books claim proved that the ether of space does not exist, actually did not have a null value.  They performed the experiment underground in a basement with heavy concrete walls that shielded most of the effect of the ether in their interferometer experiment.  They just considered the low value they obtained as within the range of error.  Ignored in the all the college text books, are the 25 years of continuous experiments that Edward Morley conducted with Dr. Dayton Miller in which they conclusively proved that there is an ether in space flowing into the earth that effects the light beams of the interferometer. 
You can read the exposé, THE DYNAMIC ETHER OF COSMIC SPACE, Correcting a Major Error in Modern Science, that Dr. James DeMeo wrote proving that the Michelson-Morley experiment did INDEED detect the ether of space, as definitively proved by the subsequent 25 years of Dr. Dayton Miller's work, much of which he conducted with Edward Morley. 
Physicist, Dr Dayton Miller conducted over 200,000 individual readings with over 12,500 individual turns of the interferometer, at many different months of the year, and at different elevations and times of the day, starting in 1902 with Edward Morley at Case University in Cleveland, Ohio, and ending in 1927 with his Mt. Wilson experiments.  Dr. James DeMeo insists that the Michelson/Morley experiment of 1887 with only 6 hours of data-gathering from a grand total of only 36 turns of the interferometer should cease being referred to as the most definitive work on the question of the existence of the ether and ether-drift.  Instead the definitive status belongs to Dr. Dayton Miller, as summarized in his paper of 1933 in Reviews of Modern Physics. 
Dr. DeMeo points out that the Michelson/Morley experiment was conducted in a basement with heavy brick and stone walls, and the interferometer itself was covered with a wood cover, all of which was later determined by Morley to have slowed the ether.  Nevertheless, their experiment did not have a zero or "null" value, but actually detected an ether wind of 5 to 7.5 km/sec.
Dr. Dayton Miller, on the other hand, found a greater detection of the ether wind at high altitudes using glass and canvas walls in his observation hut.  Miller's measurements showed the ether to be moving along a generally southerly-to-northerly vector relative to the ecliptic, and concluded that the Earth was drifting at a speed of 208 km/sec towards an apex in the Southern Celestial Hemisphere, towards Dorado.  This is based upon the assumption that the Earth was pushing through a stationary ether in that direction.  However, if the ether is considered to have the attributes of a prime mover, which I maintain that it is, being what we call gravity, or an ether flow into the mass bodies of all planets and stars in space, the ether then would be what is pushing the planets along on their paths through space as the Ether enters the Sun.  The ether flowing into the stars in the center of our milky way galaxy, then also moves our whole solar system in an orbit around the galactic center, which movement takes our solar system generally towards the northern pole of the ecliptic (which is the plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun) carrying the Earth along with it.  Dr. DeMeo says that this then puts Dr. Miller's ether-drift measurements in reasonably good agreement with the current estimates that our Solar System is moving like giant revolving wheel with it's center axis moving towards the star Vega, which is close to the northern pole of the ecliptic, almost 180 degrees opposite of Dorado.
After all his years in contact with the Venusians, Howard Menger also came to the conclusion that the ether of space exists and can be controlled with electrostatic forces, which he used to build a model flying saucer, and later helped a special government and industry sponsored team in Colorado Springs to build a 3 man size flying saucer.
In his book, the HIGH BRIDGE INCIDENT - The Story Behind the Story, Howard Menger includes several illustration pages showing that gravity is a push from space and that the ocean tides rise because the moon comes up and shields the inflowing ether into the earth allowing the tides to rise while everywhere else the inflowing ether pushes the surface of the ocean down.  The ether of space flows into the Sun, and electromagnetic energy flows out in a continuous cycle.  The same happens on earth, but to a lesser extent.  As the ether accelerates into the earth it causes a pressure that gives the effect of gravity keeping our feet firmly planted on the surface.  The same happens on the inner surface of our hollow earth.  Ether flowing into the inner surface keeps the inner earth inhabitant's feet firmly planted on the inner surface -- not floating around in zero gravity as the text books claim.  Ether flowing into the sides of the polar openings keep the Arctic ocean surface attached to the sides of the opening, which allowed explorer Olaf Jansen to sail his little fishing boat through leads in the ice through the North Polar Opening in 1829 and Admiral Richard E. Byrd to fly his airplane through the polar opening in 1947 when he visited the people of the hollow earth.
4/30/2014.  Watch this video of UFOs flying across the face of the moon April 21, 2014.  Howard Menger, whom we met at the UFO Conference in Phoenix in 1991, described in his book, The High Bridge Incident, how he was befriended by Venusians from his youth, and who took him in one of their flying saucers to the far side of the moon to an alien base where he met people from all the planets in our solar system.  The moon is hollow as proven by the fact that it rings like a bell, as discovered by the Apollo moon shots, when the astronauts set up seismographs on the moon.  Our astronauts saw UFOs and aliens on the moon which they communicated to Houston on secret channels.  Now we see that they were telling the truth.  The moon must be inhabited within as are all the planets.  But once in a while we see their craft flying outside the planet, such as in this case, the moon.
3/8/2014.  The most amazing video of aliens and their flying saucer in the past year is this one taken December 6, 2013 where two aliens are taking a break outside their flying saucer.  They then disappear down the hill back behind to get into their craft.  Then you hear the craft powering up and taking off straight up, which startled the camera person enough that he dropped his camera.  But then he gets the flying saucer back in sight hovering up and over about a mile away, then shows it taking off and disappearing in a flash of light.  In my book, I have given evidence that most flying saucer craft come from our hollow earth, and are here to prevent us from blowing up the planet with nuclear weapons.  But the universe is full of intelligent life.  We are not alone in the universe.  There are credible accounts of witnesses meeting aliens from many planets in our own solar system and from other solar systems and galaxies.  The reason they don't openly contact the human race is the war-like propensities of our leaders controlled by the International Banker class that have been actively having our military knock the flying saucers out of the air and reverse engineering them in dark deep black underground projects.  Their goal is to stage a false invasion of aliens from space, aliens they have created themselves by using bio-engineering on abducted children the world over where they have turned them into the pilots of their reversed engineered flying saucers.  Since the International Bankers control both sides of every conflict, they then hope to use this last conflict to unite the whole world behind their United Nations world government.  What they don't count on is the return of Jesus Christ to earth with 10,000's of his angels to save the righteous from a solar flare mass ejection that will burn our world and purge it from all wickedness.  Don't think that can happen? It happened once before, when the world was destroyed by what is called the Flood of Noah.
2/13/2014.  Today my attention was drawn to the spacecraft Cassini's images of moon of Saturn, Titan's south polar vortex.  It is a swirl of the clouds at Titan's south pole caused by the polar opening beneath them.  Yes, even moons are hollow, and this image is evidence of that.
9/8/2013.  Today Dr. Brooks Agnew submitted his resignation as expedition leader for our North Pole Inner Earth Expedition.  He cited the need to dedicate all his time to making his electric car company successful.  We thank him for all the hard work he put into promoting the expedition and the sacrifices he made.  He is the third expedition leader we have lost to this project.  Perhaps we ARE on a prison planet, and the prison masters ARE being successful in keeping us slaves from escaping to the terrestrial paradise that is our Hollow Earth -- unless someone else decides to step up to the challenge.  Is there anyone out there that would like to take on this challenge?  I told Dr. Agnew when our previous expedition leader, Steve Currey died,  that I am not an expedition leader.  I'm just an author.  At that time, Dr. Agnew said he could do it, but now even he has thrown in the towel, citing $25 million in losses and the loss of the major stockholder in his car company because of his involvement in the expedition project.  Perhaps we all need to pray to God that He would send another Moses to free US -- the slaves of planet earth.
9/16/2012.  I was given a nice interview by the Flat Earth Society on Hollow Earth Theory.  You can listen to the interview here.
6/15/2012.  Our expedition leader, Dr. Brooks Agnew announced on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory on June 13 that our North Pole Inner Earth Expedition has now been funded and is schedule to depart Murmansk, Russia to the North Pole in July 2013.
3/3/2012.  Listen to the interview of Foster Gamble with John B. Wells on Coast to Coast AM concerning his excellent documentary Thrive, in which he explains how our world is controlled by a global elite who want to eliminate 90% of the world's population. 
In his video Thrive, Foster Gamble explains that there is a better way, one in which the people of earth can thrive and have abundance.  And it is all based on his discovery that abundance systems emanate from an energy pattern called a torus (a donut shape), which is, in fact, the shape of our hollow earth, as well as all bodies in space.
1/1/2012.  Ken Johnston, former NASA photo lab manager, was on Coast to Coast AM with George Knapp this past December 25, 2011.  Ken described how he was asked by his superiors to show some men a video taken by the Apollo 11 command module as it orbited behind the moon.  In the video they saw a crater that had an alien base with domes and towers with interior lighting coming from them indicating they were in use.  This alien base on the far side of the moon was visited in the 50's by Howard Menger, whom my wife and I met at the 1991 UFO conference here in Phoenix, Arizona.  I bought Menger's book, The High Bridge Incident, The Story Behind the Story where he described how he was befriended by people that look just like earthlings from Venus, and he at one time convinced them to take him to the moon.  The trip took about one week, because they were decompressing their spacecraft on the way to the moon, so that they could breathe without spacesuits on the lunar surface.  They landed on the far side of the moon, the side that never is seen from earth, at an alien base he said had domes and towers, where he met people from all the planets in our solar system.  Howard was even taken on a tour of the far side of the moon in a train ride, and at one point stopped to look at a spacecraft that had landed on the moon, and the astronaut had gotten out on the moon's surface where he died, apparently not having decompressed enough to breath the thin air on the moon.
Ken Johnston, in his interview also mentioned having seen photos of that spacecraft on the far side of the moon.  He said it looked like a spacecraft out of the Star Wars movie.  Who knows what planet it came from.  Ken also commented in his interview how our Apollo astronauts set up seismograph instruments on the moon that recorded the impact of spent lunar modules that were crashed into the moon after delivering the astronauts back to the command module, to cause an artificial moonquake, and the result was that the moon rang like a bell, indicating that the moon is hollow, the evidence of which I detail in my book.  He also mentioned the recent European Space Agency spacecraft's flyby of Mar's moon Phobos with ground penetrating radar that determined that Phobos is also hollow!  Ken was saying that various nations now have a race on to get to Phobos to perhaps claim it as their own.  A space treaty prevents all nations from claiming any natural celestial body, but because Phobos has been determined to be hollow, they think it must be artificial, and perhaps abandoned, so that perhaps they can claim it.
However, what all nations need to understand, is that all planets, moons, stars, comets and even asteroids are all naturally hollow bodies.  The Creator has created all celestial bodies naturally hollow!  While Ken was on the air, a caller called in from Texas saying that he was a NASA sub-contractor at the time the moon missions were cancelled.  He said a rumor was going around that when one of our last Apollo Command Modules was orbiting around on the far side of the moon, it was at that time in the dark, at which time the alien base suddenly lit up with brilliant light and a stern warning came over the Command Module's radio from the alien base in English saying, "You are hereby commanded to immediately stop all further exploration of the moon!"
Subsequently, the three remaining Apollo missions to the moon were cancelled, and 35,000 people were laid off.  John Glenn later told people at a university gathering that we have not gone back to the moon because we were warned off!  Ken Johnston said he heard this same rumor going around NASA before he also was laid off.  One of the special ex-military witnesses Steven Greer has on his Disclosure DVD said that at one point, we sent a nuclear missile to explode on the moon, and that it was intercepted and destroyed by UFOs.  So, obviously, we can understand why the people on the moon would warn our astronauts off until, we earthlings become a peaceful people and stop our war mongering.  Jim Marr's on one of his interviews on Coast to Coast said that every time our military tries to send up a rocket into space with the intention of weaponizing space, the aliens blow them up, which caused one military leader to comment that it appears our planet is under quarantine.  The space people which Larry Foreman met out in the desert outside Los Angeles in 1960 told him our planet is a prison planet.  We need to learn to stop making war and become a peaceful people before we can expect to be accepted by extraterrestrials and be allowed to openly continue our further peaceful exploration of space.
8/20/2011.  Terry Smith, the Alaskan bush pilot I was hoping could take people to the north pole, died in a plane crash August 9, 2010, I just learned.  Terry had offered to take us to the coordinates we provided where we estimate the North Polar Opening is located.  Our hearts go out to his wife Terri and their family.  He will be missed.
8/19/2011.  Our Voyage to Our Hollow Earth expedition under the leadership of Steve Currey was cancelled upon his death in July 2006 and all monies returned to expedition members. However, expedition members expressed the desire to continue the quest.  Physicist Dr. Brooks Agnew offered to become our new expedition leader and the Currey expedition members voted "Yes" to that offer.  Dr. Brooks Agnew subsequently renamed the expedition the North Pole Inner Earth Expedition, and has been working to raise the money to fund it.
5/29/2011.  Retired Billie F. Woodard has been doing some conference calls on a mission he says the hollow earth people have commissioned him to do:  to let people of outer earth know of their existence and that the time will soon come when they will emerge from inner earth to help establish world peace.
1/20/2011.  The sun rose 2 days early this year in the town of Ilulissat, Greenland, which is located on the western shore of Greenland, just north of the Arctic Circle, 66 degrees north Latitude -- that latitude where the sun does not set on the summer solstice, and does not rise on the winter solstice.  Traditionally, Ilulissat residents expect to see their first sunrise on January 13.  This year it appeared on January 11, two days early.  This could have occurred as a mirage.  As warm air rises from within the earth through the north polar opening, it rises above the cold air next to the ice in the arctic, creating a layer of air with a different density that could cause this mirage effect, bending the light of the sun below the horizon up to warm layer of air and back down to the town of Ilulissat.  Learn more about mirages in the Arctic here.
9/29/2010 I did an interview with Kim Greenhouse's It's Rainmaking Time! on her web based radio show.
5/3/2010 In my article, The Living Earth, I make the assertion that our earth is a living being.  In fact, the earth appears to be breathing with regular monthly variations in carbon dioxide concentrations as recorded since 1958 at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii as mentioned in the Climategate article of Acts & Facts magazine of ICR.  And the earth seems to have a heart beat called the Schumann Resonance where it has been observed that the earth's magnetic field resonates with a heart beat of 7.83 Hz from electromagnetic resonances in the cavity of our hollow earth.  These resonances were first discovered by Nicola Tesla in 1899 which he used to develop a method of transmitting electricity through the air and the earth.  The earth's magnetic field is generated by the earth's shell with a negative charge rotating about the inner sun with a positive charge similar to the way a common dynamo generates a magnetic field.
4/8/2010  A spacecraft fly-by of Phobos, the closest moon of Mars with ground penetrating radar has confirmed that Phobos is hollow.  Read Richard C. Hoagland's write-up on this discovery here.  Of course, scientists are prone to think a hollow moon has to be artificial, that is, man-made, but the truth is that all bodies in space are hollow.  Illustrating that most bodies in space are hollow, in my ebook, for example, I calculated the density of the asteroid, Eugenia, using the period of an orbiting moon that this asteroid has.  The results show that Eugenia is hollow.  Phobos, the moon of the planet Mars, appears like a lump of rock with striations and pitted with craters.  It is not even spherically shaped like most of the moons in the solar system, but looks more like an asteroid -- a large lump of rock with an irregular shape.  Our own earth has a couple of such type "moons" or asteroids.  Curiously, however, they are not in "orbit" about the planet.  One is stationed over the north polar opening and the other over the south.  Most likely they are hollow earth space stations, but look like big rocks.
3/22/2010.  Here is a website of some nice photos of the only ships on earth capable of making it through the ice to our hollow earth -- the Russian nuclear powered icebreakers.
10/12/2009.  I was having an interesting discussion with a list member regarding what Google Earth shows at the earth's poles, when I noticed that if you zoom into the north geographic pole on Google Earth, you will see that the north geographic pole is not on the surface of the planet!  The meridian lines running along the surface of the earth are dipping into the earth at that latitude and in order for Google Earth to depict the location of the north pole, it has to put it way up in the atmosphere above the surface of the planet at the location of 90 N Lat 0 W Lon!  If the earth has a polar opening near the north geographic pole, you would expect the meridian lines to be dipping into the earth as you approach the pole.  So in order to depict the location of the geographic pole, Google Earth has to bend the meridian lines into a cone some distance from the pole and put the geographic north pole at the pinnacle of the cone -- far above the surface of the planet depicted with the meridian lines as they approach the pole.
10/4/2009.  There are people in the know saying that there will soon be UFO Disclosure by the government, in which it will be publicly admitted that flying saucers are real and that we are presently being visited by intelligent beings from other worlds.  A new era of technology is soon to begin.  Part I, Part II
Watch this video of a flying saucer diving into the ocean.
A recent NASA video on the progress of the ice melting in the Arctic just came out that shows an elliptical oval up near the pole that some thought may be the north polar opening.  Here is a photo still showing the oval.  I then imported the photo still into Google Earth and determined that it is located exactly at the North Geographic Pole 90 degrees N latitude.
I just received a very interesting set of mosaic images of the north and south poles from a list member.  The north mosaic seems to show the north polar opening in the location we have estimated it to be, on the Russian side of the pole.  For comparison, I have copied a section of the image next to a section of the original image and put a red circle around the area in the second copy where there appears to be a circular pattern where we think the polar opening is located on the Russian western quadrant.
NASA has discovered strange noctilucent clouds are appearing every summer over the pole down to about latitude 50 degrees.  These clouds consist of tiny ice crystals 40 to 100 nanometers wide that reflect blue wave lengths of sunlight and float at the very edge of space 50 miles up.  Watch a composite video here.  The hole you are seeing in the imagery is not the polar opening.  It is a hole in the satellite imagery caused because polar orbiting satellites do not pass directly over the pole because the polar opening is located so close to the pole that if they passed over the polar opening, they would lose gravity holding them in orbit.  Most likely the noctilucent clouds originate from the warm moist air coming up out of the polar opening and are pushed to the edge of space where the moisture particles freeze -- by the out flowing of air from Inner Earth.  Every spring the out flow of air from the polar openings pushes the ozone layer apart at the poles also and increases the size of the atmosphere.  The increase in the height of atmosphere above the Antarctic in the Antarctic spring is what Jan Lamprecht theorized in his book, Hollow Planets, caused the Skylab satellite to burn up in the atmosphere.  The outflow of warm air from the earth's interior at the poles are also what causes the mirages of land seen in the arctic.  The warm air rises up above the ice creating a layer of warm air that reflects the land beneath.  Observers around the Arctic have sighted mirages of land all in the same direction indicating that the polar opening is located at 85 N 130 E.  What they are seeing is a doubly inverted mirage of land at the inner continent located about halfway through the polar opening.
A list member has located the polar orbiting satellite paths over Antarctica from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) showing that there is a large area over the pole that the polar orbiting satellites do not cross over.  We maintain that the polar orbiting satellites do not cross over this no-fly zone at the poles because the polar openings into the earth are located there.  There is no mass in the polar openings and a satellite put over the openings would loose orbit, so no satellites are put in orbit over the polar openings.  This narrows the location the polar openings are located -- to within the no-fly zones over the poles.  A video was also located that shows the north polar opening, probably the first that has become available that is not just a hole in the satellite imagery.  A still photo from that video shows the polar opening located on the Russian side of the pole at 85 N Lat 130 E Lon.
In 1937, a four engine prop plane with seasoned flyers attempted to cross the Arctic from Moscow to Fairbanks, Alaska, and were lost in the vicinity of the pole.  Most likely they accidentally entered the North Polar Opening into Our Hollow Earth and then just decided to stay in the land of Eden rather than return.  Review the case of the Lost Soviet Flyers here.
A screen shot taken by a security guard off a NORAD computer has narrowed down the location of the North Polar Opening to within 500 miles of the geographic pole.  This photo was sent to my friend Ivars who has shared it with me.  Because of this new evidence, I have revised my estimate for the location of the North Polar Opening and have accepted the coordinates given me by retired Col. Billie Woodard.  While working at the top secret installation at Area 51, Col. Woodard was given charge of their hollow earth file which contained a 35 page file on the discoveries of Admiral Richard E. Byrd.  It was from that file, Billie was able to obtain the exact coordinates of the North Polar Opening.  Curiously, these coordinates I found fall within the no-fly zone of the polar orbiting satellites shown on the NORAD computer image.  The reason no polar orbiting satellites can fly over the polar opening is because there is no mass there to exert a gravitation acceleration towards the earth to keep them in orbit.  As I wrote in Chapter 2 of my eBook, the very first satellites put in polar orbit were lost because they had not taken into account the existence there of a polar opening into the earth's interior.  Therefore, all subsequent polar orbiting satellites have had to be put in orbit so that they do not go over the polar opening.
My friend Ivars, one of the first persons that I sold my book to years ago, called me the other day and we reminisced times we spent together talking about the hollow earth.  He recounted to me the time he met an airline pilot on a flight to his home town in South Carolina.  He said he made a point of sitting next to airline pilots that were getting a free flight by wearing their uniform and going as a passenger.  This one pilot turned out to have a very interesting story.  Ivars, in his usual way, sat down next to him on this flight and started asking him questions.  What airline did he fly for?  Delta Airline.  Had he ever flown in the Arctic?  Why yes, many times.  Did you notice anything unusual up there?  At this point, the pilot wanted to know why he was so interested in the Arctic and what was up there.  Ivars said that he was just very interested in something unusual up there.  Then the pilot just opened up and said, "Well, if you're wondering if a polar opening exists up there and if I have seen it, I have.  All Arctic airline pilots have seen it.  But we're under strict orders from the military through our company not to go around telling people, and if you ever tell anyone I told you this, I could get into a whole lot of trouble.  Of course, we can't fly our airplanes over the hole because it would be like going into space."  Click here to listen to Ivars relating this experience on video.
The Cassini spacecraft has sent back to earth an interesting image of Saturn's north polar aurora.  According to the Hollow Planet theory, auroras on all planets are caused by the inner suns within each planet emanating their solar winds out through their polar openings.  Until scientists realize that all planets are hollow with interior suns, they will be mystified by these auroral lights on other planets.  There are four reasons that the auroras cannot be caused by our outer sun.  First, the solar wind from our outer sun is not powerful enough to light up the auroras on any planet including earth. Second, the magnetic fields of each planet prevents the outer sun solar wind from entering the atmosphere and lighting up the auroras. Third, the auroral radiation has been observed to emanate FROM the planet following the electromagnetic field lines of the planet AWAY from the planet.  Fourth, variations in the auroral displays occur at both poles at the same time strongly indicating that the solar radiation causing the auroral displays originates from the planet's core.
PASADENA, Calif. -- An international team of astronomers has discovered that Neptune's south pole is much hotter than the rest of the planet.  In fact, the same has been discovered on many other planets including our own.  There exists an anomalous source of heat at the poles.  This is exactly what we would expect if all the planets are hollow with interior suns shinning out through polar openings. 
This past week I was contacted by retired US Air Force Col. Billie Faye Woodard, who has joined our North Pole Inner Earth expedition as an expedition member.  Billie contacted Steve Currey before he passed away, and Steve had asked me to call Billie, but somehow it slipped my mind.  So it was nice that Billie has now contacted me.  Billie worked at the top secret facility at Area 51 for 11.5 years during which time Billie visited our hollow earth on special missions through connecting tunnels on the 26th level beneath the Area 51 facility -- at the request of the hollow earth nation.  Billie was their contact with our military in which the hollow earth nation was attempting to influence our government to stop nuclear testing which was polluting our atmosphere and theirs.  After retiring, Billie led an expedition aboard a refurbished decommissioned Navy Albatross seaplane to the North Polar Opening in 1986 in an attempt to visit our Hollow Earth, but a crew member, a New York Times correspondent, sabotaged the mission by alerting the New York Times home office who in turn alerted the military who sent two intercept jets to head them off at the polar opening.  I have written up a short biography of Billie's life, which you can access here.
There is an amazing amount of evidence in the scriptures as well as supporting scientific evidence that our earth is a living being.  My article on The Living Earth gives us reason to believe our earth is a living being, and is literally our "mother" earth, and so deserves our  greatest respect and care -- because she takes care of us and provides us our home in the vastness of space where we can enjoy our lives in the light of the sun.
An entry has been published on the LDS Anarchist blog website by the blog moderator regarding his take on the Hollow Earth theory. He is right -- there is a lot more evidence for the theory than you would at first think exists. The scientific, scriptural and historical evidence in support of the theory may even surprise you.  You may even find that truth is often at times stranger than fiction!  Of course, there will always be those that will assert that the hollow earth / hollow planets theory is just bs, but that's just because they haven't yet seen enough evidence.  Many of their types also once believed the earth was flat, or that the sun, moon, and stars all revolve around the earth as they do indeed appear to do every day and night!  It's all in the perspective.
On January 14, 2008, NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft flew by the planet Mercury and returned some highly detailed photos of the surface of that planet.  Some of the craters photographed show a rebounding peak in the center -- an indication that the planet has a dense subsurface from which the meteorite impacts rebound.  The spacecraft is also measuring Mercury's global magnetic field.  NASA scientists cannot understand how Mercury has such a large planetary magnetic field.  With such a dense planet, it seems just a big lump of rock.  But if Mercury, in fact, is really a hollow planet as we claim, then its interior sun could explain the planetary magnetic field that Mercury has.  Although Mercury rotates very slowly -- only one day rotation for every two revolutions around the sun, it's interior sun could be rotating at a faster rate than the planetary shell creating the dynamo effect of a magnetic field.
Using a large telescope located in Chile, scientists have discovered a "hot spot" on Neptune's south pole.  It is about 10 degrees warmer than elsewhere on the planet as seen from the telescope.  This is exactly what we would expect if Neptune has a south polar opening from which warm air is emanating from it's hollow interior warmed by an inner sun.  Actually, the same thing has been observed on other planets, including Jupiter and even Earth.
Recently, one of our expedition members brought to my attention a report of a person that has claimed to have been to our hollow earth.  I had seen this report several years ago. It is interesting.  It claims to be a telephone interview by Greg Gavin of, with a Colonel Billie Faye Woodard of the United States Air Force.  You can read it here.
Liquid water discovered near Mars south pole puzzles scientists studying the orbiting Mars Express radar returns of the Mars south polar ice cap.  The satellite radar returns do not give surface data in an oval area around the pole because the satellite is not in exact polar orbit over the poles.  Even on earth, polar orbiting satellites have to compensate for the loss of gravity over the polar openings.  If Mars is hollow, and warm air comes up out of the south polar opening from its interior heated by an inner sun, liquid water near the south polar opening would be exactly what we would expect to find at certain times of the year.  The ice found is estimated to be 90% pure, and there is enough of it that if melted could cover the entire planet up to 36 ft deep.  The moisture that creates this ice comes from the planet's interior -- just as it does on earth.  The 3-mile deep ice that covers Antarctica and the Greenland icepack come from warm moist air that blows up out of the interior of the earth through the polar openings and condenses onto the ice packs.  This is the reason why it is warmer near the poles than some distance away from them.
Check out the YouTube videos and ebooks on the hollow earth theory on my Other Links page.  You can also purchase hollow earth books from my Explorer's Store page by typing in "hollow earth" and pressing the Go button to get a listing.
An Auroral image taken from space by NASA in 2003 shows the auroral radiation coming up from the south polar opening in this image like dust spinning up from a dust devil.  You can view the NASA movie on my cousin's website here.
Genesis for the New Space Age, Secret Development of the Round Wing Plane, the Extra Terrestrials from Inside the Earth, and the Arrival of the Outer Terrestrials, is a book written by John B. Leith in 1980.  I received it in manuscript form over a year ago in a package from an unknown source. I scanned it and put it in PDF format.  But when I placed half of the book up on the Internet, I was contacted by John's son who informed me the manuscript was copyrighted.  Sure enough, a search of the Copyright office returned a copyright, and I removed it at his request from my website.  It is an interesting read.  The copyright says it is the true story of the development of the Round Wing Plane.  It is now available on with a slightly different title, Genesis for the Space race, The Inner Earth and Extra Terrestrials.
In May, 2007, a baby mammoth was found on the Yamal peninsula of Russia.  This peninsula is the closest land to my estimate of the location of the North Polar Opening that leads into inner earth.  The Norwegian fisherman, Olaf Jansen, in his book, The Smoky God, claimed that these mammoths live today on the inner continent, and that in winter, some wander near the frozen river mouths and fall into crevasses in the ice and are instantly frozen.  Come summer when our outer sun shines through the polar opening, these rivers thaw out and the icebergs are pushed out to sea with their frozen carcasses.  These later drift up on the Siberian shores.
The Cassini spaceship has captured images of the North Polar Opening of Saturn which appears to have a hexagonal shape.  The fact that this shape has endured since the Voyager spacecraft first imaged it over two decades ago indicates that it is a surface feature.  This certainly supports my assertion in my eBook, that Saturn has a solid surface with a shell perhaps 5% of its diameter and certainly is not an entirely gaseous planet as orthodox science assumes.  Read the NASA news release here.
I would also highly recommend that you listen to aviation pilot, John Lear, son of the famous developer of the Lear jet (who worked in the black projects of anti-gravity), in his interview with George Noory on Coast to Coast AM January 17, 2007.  I totally agreed with what John Lear says, that all the planets of our solar system are inhabited, that the moon has a greater surface gravity than the 1/6th earth gravity that orthodox science claims, (in my ebook I calculated it to be about 45% of earth's surface gravity based on the dropping of the hammer on the moon by an astronaut) and a thin atmosphere (as reported by several people that have been there such as Howard Menger in a flying saucer, and others), that our government has black projects that have developed flying saucers that are exploring our solar system and the universe.  Just one item I disagree, is that when he says that the spirits of all that die go to the moon.  He based this on a government Remote Viewer that was tasked to follow the spirit of a man that died and saw him going into a bright orb, and was warned not to follow or he could not come back.  John thought the bright orb was the moon.
In my Chapters Paradise -- Found! and The City of Enoch -- Found!, I present evidence that the place where the spirits of all go at death is not the moon, but the Inner Sun of Earth -- after passing through a dark tunnel through the earth's shell.  After a brief preliminary judgment by Christ (this is not the last and final judgment), the righteous are accepted into Paradise (the Inner Sun), and the wicked are cast out into Hell, often called "Outer Darkness" in scripture, in the earth's shell to await the resurrection.  Of course, the resurrection of all men negates any validity of the reincarnation theory that John also seems to accept.  The previous lives that some people "remember" are actually just their pre-existent spirit life in Heaven or their visit to earth as a spirit being years before being born.
Multi-colored snow has appeared mysteriously in three Siberian provinces.  Hollow Earth explorer Olaf Jansen reported that near the North Polar Opening of Earth, very large fields of different colored flowers grow and when they blossom sometimes the pollen blows out the polar opening and colors the snow in the Arctic.  Read what Hollow Earth Researcher Dean says about it here.  Read the original story from Environmental News Network here.
NASA spacecraft Cassini to Saturn has returned an excellent image of the South Polar Opening of Saturn.  Read one web author's attempt to explain it here.  It is interesting that NASA found similar vortexes at the poles of Venus where anomalous heat is also emanating.
Recently, I received this letter (translated to English) sent to a friend by a German who made it to Inner Earth in a German submarine at the end of World War II, and then wrote back to his friend letting him know that their submarine made it there safely.  You can read the original letter in the German language here.  You can read my conversation with Joe from Alaska, who sent me this letter on my Interesting Emails below, or by clicking here.
Marcelo, expedition member from Argentina has created a very nice web page in memory of our dear friend and expedition organizer, Steve Currey.  Visit it here:
Thank you, Marcelo for your very kind words!  We do miss Steve so very much.  Here is another nice picture sent by expedition member James Still, in memory of Steve Currey.
Steve Currey, our expedition organizer, discovered May 1 he had brain cancer with 6 tumors, and on May 22 was advised it was incurable.  He passed away July 26 and his funeral was August 1, 2006 in Provo, Utah.  The family has cancelled their involvement in the expedition and have returned all monies to expedition members.  We were most SAD to hear this fateful news.
NASA has posted a beautiful image of the aurora australis from space.  If you look carefully, you can see a dark spot from where the auroral radiation is emanating from -- that area where I have estimated the south polar opening is located.  Here is a NASA movie of the aurora australis showing the radiation emanating from the polar opening that causes the auroral lights.
On March 19, I was interviewed on by physicist Dr. Brooks Agnew, a scientist who expressed a desire to accompany us on our Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Expedition.
NASA's Cassini spacecraft has detected electrons emanating out of Saturn's polar area, as you can read on this Space Daily article.  Of course, this seems unusual to NASA scientists that claim that auroras are caused by our outer sun.  Actually, the opposite is what is happening.  Saturn is hollow, and it's brilliant aurora is caused by it's Inner Sun emanating electrons and protons from its solar wind OUT of Saturn's polar opening which then follow the electromagnetic field lines of the planet AWAY from the polar area.  This powerful Inner Sun solar wind is what causes the auroras to light up on all the planets including earth.  While in Alaska in 1981, I watched the auroral radiation flowing UP causing the light of the aurora.  The auroral lights are NOT caused by our outer sun, but by an Inner Sun suspended within the hollow of each planet.
In October 1989, Warren P. Aston on an expedition to look for the Land of Bountiful described by Nephi in the Book of Mormon,  in looking for the most likely location on the southern coast of the Saudi Arabian peninsula -- discovered a lush wooded inlet with fresh water, fruit trees, and iron ore that could be picked up from the ground -- where Nephi and his brothers could very possibly have built their ship to migrate to America around 587 B.C.  In a similar pilgrimage, our upcoming Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Expedition will attempt to locate the Lost Tribes of Israel in the North Countries of Our Hollow Earth -- that the Book of Mormon records the resurrected Savior, in his visit to ancient America, said he would also visit when he said, "Other sheep I have, which are not of this fold.  Them also must I bring, and they shall hear my voice; that there shall be one fold, and one shepherd." - John 10:16, 3 Nephi 15:173 Nephi 17:4.  The Savior at that time promised the Nephites that he would visit the Lost Tribes of Israel that had been led away by the Father out of the land of Jerusalem.  We expect to find the Lost Tribes with their OWN scriptures relating the Savior's visit to them after visiting the Nephite nation in ancient America.  This will be a Third Witness to the World that Jesus IS the Christ, the Savior of the World -- the first Witness being the Holy Bible, the second Witness being the Book of Mormon.  -- 2 Nephi 29, 2 Corinthians 13:1, Deut 19:15   Also listen to Apostle Dallin H. Oaks of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints April 2006 General Conference talk, All Men Everywhere.
Marcelo Martorelli's book on the Hollow Earth and our expedition is out in French, titled, The Planetary Call, available at  Marcelo was the host of our Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Expedition conference in Argentina in May 2004.
Read an interesting article, in Meridian online magazine, A Volcanic Highway for the Lost Tribes? by John P. Pratt, who is a Ph.D. in astronomy and a specialist in ancient chronology and calendars.  One of the suggestions in his article is that the highway that the scriptures say the Lost Tribes will throw up in the midst of the Arctic Ocean might be a mono-rail train -- is an idea I suggested in my chapter on The Land of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel -- Found!  Norwegian explorer Olaf Jansen and Admiral Richard E. Byrd both reported that the people of Our Hollow Earth have advanced mono-rail train system technology -- which I believe they will use to expand the political Kingdom of God from within to outer earth in the not too distant future.
You are invited to visit a nice website on the hollow earth / hollow planets theory and check out the impressive evidence for hollow planets at
NASA finds evidence that the atmosphere of Enceladus, first detected by the Cassini Magnetometer instrument, is the result of venting from the moon's south pole of hot water vapor, most likely from this Saturnian moon's south polar opening.
In a movie short from the NASA IMAGE satellite taken January 7, 2005, you can see the Inner Sun solar wind emanating from the South Polar Opening of Earth lighting up the Aurora Australis.  The dark dot where the auroral radiation can been seen emanating from is the same area of low radar reflectivity seen in the RadarSat image of Antarctica that I have identified as the most likely location of the South Polar Opening.
Confirming my conclusion that the Sun has a solid surface is the scientific work of Michael Mozina.  Check out his website at  The evidence he presents is incontrovertible.  This surely means that the Sun is hollow because it could not be solid all the way through.  It does not have enough mass for that.  My calculations are that if the Sun is hollow with a shell thickness 10% of its diameter, it would have a shell density of 2.86, which is the density of glass with a few impurities.  The scriptures indicate that the Sun is a giant crystal ball.  Perhaps, soon science will confirm that the Sun is also hollow, with polar openings and a solid core that rotates at a different rate than it's shell thus producing the observed strong electro-magnetic field that the Sun has.  Watch this video of a sun-quake causing a tsunami where you can see the waves pass over a mountain peak on the solid surface of the sun.
Messages from the Hollow Earth, a book by Hollow Earth contactee Dianne Robbins has some interesting messages from Inner Earth.  See also an interesting message from Hollow Earth contactee Analía Martini of South America regarding our upcoming Voyage to Our Hollow Earth expedition in my Interesting Emails section.
The Coming War of Repossession.  Are you ready to face the retribution for supporting the Bankers' continual war fighting for continual peace -- that great scam they have conned us into just to make them rich at our expense -- with the excuse that it keeps the economy going -- while they bask in riches paid for by the blood, sweat and tears of we, the people?  Or are you ready for true peace that has nothing to do with war, that the Kingdom of God from within is offering us all?  If not now, you may be ready for true peace when their wars finally hit our shores in a few short years.  We are now in the process of repossessing Iraq for the bankers, but what most don't know is that soon we will be NEXT!
Hot Spot detected at Saturn's south pole.
A definite indication that Saturn is hollow with polar openings is the recent detection of a hot spot at Saturn's south pole.  The scientist's claim that there is no hot spot at the earth's poles is not entirely correct either.  Fridjof Nansen reported in his Farthest North that a north wind invariably raised the temperature on his thermometer in the middle of the winter, and a south wind lowered it.  Amundsen on his 1926 flight over the north pole in his dirigible reported a 10 degree rise in temperature from Spitzbergen to the pole.  Obviously, what is happening is the warm air rising up out of the polar opening near the pole is what is raising the temperature at the pole, just like what has now been detected on Saturn.  The sudden jump in temperature towards Saturn's south pole is a surprise for scientists because they are not taking into account the hollow nature of planets and that they contain inner suns that produce their auroras and warm air emanating out through polar openings.
Coast to Coast AM interview with George Noory Thursday, December 23, 2004.
Steve Currey with Prof. Marcelo Martorelli at Argentine Conference May 2004 on the Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Expedition Video
Listen to my Interview with Daniel Ott on his Internet Radio Station
Check out this Voyage to the North Pole by Michael L. Charters aboard the Yamal in 1994
The Ten Lost Tribes: A People of Destiny: An Account of the Assyrian Conquest and Israelite Captivity by R. Clayton Brough Dr. Clay McConkie Dr. Clay McConkie, with B.A. in history and a Ph.D. in education, declares in his recently released book, The Ten Lost Tribes, A People of Destiny, that after a thorough analysis of all scriptural references to the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel that the scriptures indicate that the lost tribes ..."are presently living in a locality not on the earth, but somewhere in the earth... in area capable of accommodating a relatively large civilization of people and keeping them hidden from the world for more than twenty-five centuries."  He points out that scripture indicates that this large area inside the earth must be where most of the water came from that covered the earth's surface at the time of Noah's flood, and that the exit point in the Arctic must also be the entrance to inner earth that the Lost Tribes took when they disappeared into the north country 25 centuries ago and from which they will someday soon reappear with great fanfare to help spread the Kingdom of God throughout the earth in preparation for the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Dr. McConkie's reasoning, analysis and conclusions of the scriptural references fit the Hollow Earth Theory amazingly well as the most logical present location of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel.
What is the source of X-rays, radio waves, infrared radiation & high energy electrons from Jupiter's Poles?
Hot spots at Jupiter's poles are a signature of its inner sun --The recent discovery of permanent emission of x-rays, radio signals, ultraviolet light, infrared radiation and high-energy electrons from Jupiter's poles has scientists wondering where this torrent of particles originates. Actually, this radiation is the signature of a star. This is another evidence that planets are hollow bodies with polar openings through which radiation from their inner suns emanate radiation which causes their auroras to light up.
Was our National Ballistic Missile Defense system intended to strike at UFO origination area?
-- a former senior aerospace executive - a person who has been aware since the 1970s that the Ballistic Missile Defense Program would be used to target extraterrestrial objects in space - even though there is no evidence of any credible threat from these craft - has joined Project Disclosure of CSETI, The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence.
In a twist of the game of war, as I discussed in Chapter 7, The Origin of Flying Saucers -- Found!, the hollow earth nation, who frequently send their flying saucers out to reconnoiter the world's military, could be targeted by world super powers through the polar openings with nuclear ballistic missiles, and in a last-ditch effort to save their New World Order, try to turn public opinion against extraterrestrials, many if not most of whom are actually from inner earth.
My Visit to the Sun - by Phoebe Marie Holmes
-- Confirming my conclusion in Chapter 8, The Celestial Destiny of Our Hollow Earth, that our Sun is hollow and suspended in its center is a City of God, is my recent discovery of a book written by Phoebe Marie Holmes in 1933, of her visit to the Celestial City of God in the Sun!
Phoebe describes how she was taken in the Spirit by angels to the heart of the Sun where the New Jerusalem is being built. It will be brought to earth after the earth's resurrection when the earth becomes celestialized and becomes the abode of the righteous. Since it is so big, 1,500 miles long, wide and high, it will probably take the place of the earth's inner sun. Christ, on his Sermon on the Mount said the meek shall inherit the earth, and indeed they will! A mansion is being built there right now for each of us, in the New Jerusalem, by our actions here on earth. Phoebe was taken to visit her unfinished mansion by the angels of God, where she found her husband, who had already passed on. She then was brought back to earth to finish her life's work.
Interestingly enough, Phoebe reported the city in the Sun is the New Jerusalem, as described by the Apostle John in the Book of Revelations Chapter 21, and as I had concluded, is a giant terraced mountain with a square bottom -- having a pyramid shape. Perhaps the ancient Meso-Americans, Chinese and Egyptians knew the New Jerusalem would be like a pyramid, and so built their temples with that shape.
Also, as I had concluded in Chapter 8 of my book, the angels told Phoebe that the Sun is a giant crystal. Scientists, on the other hand, claim the Sun is entirely gaseous. But if it is hollow and has a shell thickness 10% of its planetary diameter, that would give the Sun's shell a density of 2.9 gm/cc, and so would have a solid surface! Glass has a density of 2.6 gm/cc. And it's not hot inside as scientists claim either, but a nice warmth is provided for the celestial city suspended within the Sun's hollow interior. You can get Phoebe Marie Holmes book, My Visit To The Sun at
Ozone holes at the Poles are evidence for Polar Openings
Ozone Holes at the Poles are evidence of the existence of Polar Openings. In a NASA article on the October 6, 1999 release of an Antarctic Ozone hole image shows that area of least ozone Ozone hole over Antarctic polar opening (darkest blue) happens to be located in the same area I have estimated the South Polar Opening to be located as seen in the RADARSat image of Antarctica. The ozone layer that covers any sunlit area of the earth is a layer of oxygen isotope (O3) in the upper atmosphere caused when ultraviolet light from the sun creates ozone from oxygen, and is only a few pennies thick but serves as a protection to life on earth from too much ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Scientists originally considered that the ozone holes that appear in the Arctic and Antarctic each Spring could be caused by an upwelling of air that pushes the ozone layer apart creating the hole, but they had no mechanism that would cause this upwelling of air. The hollow earth solution to this mystery is that ozone free air from the earth's interior blows out the polar opening come spring pushing the ozone layer apart creating the ozone holes. The ozone holes have nothing to do with chlorofluorocarbon pollution. The scam to ban the chlorofluorocarbon Freon was cooked up by the DuPont Corporation so they could maintain their monopoly on refrigerants as soon as their patent on Freon ran out.
Scientist Finds Prehistoric Zoo in Siberian Ice
-- Remains of many supposed prehistoric animals have been discovered over the past couple of centuries in Arctic ice. Curiously many are found near where I have estimated the north polar opening is on the Russian side of the pole. Currently, several science groups are competing in the effort to retrieve still preserved mammoth remains. Olaf Jansen who journeyed to the Hollow Earth in 1829 maintained these mammoth and other inner earth wild life remains were caught when they fell into ice crevasses in inner earth rivers that empty into the North Polar Opening and which freeze over in the Arctic winter.
Interesting Hollow Earth emails
Did the Lost Greenland Viking Colony go to the Hollow Earth?
-- An interesting article in a 1923 issue of Popular Science Monthly magazine reported an Eskimo tradition regarding the fate of the lost Greenland Viking Colony which was established there in about the 8th century, but disappeared sometime before Greenland was repopulated in 1721. According to the Eskimos, the Viking colony did not die off as European's at that time thought, but instead lured by the more plentiful game and wildlife and driftwood towards the northern shores of Greenland and Northern Canada, upon the return of a hunting party reporting they had found a paradise in the north,  all the colonists packed up and singing songs departed suddenly toward the northward across the ice and never returned.
Did this lost Viking colony go to the Hollow Earth via the North Polar Opening?
Mostly likely they did.
Commander Green of the US Navy in 1923 at the time the article was published in Popular Science sincerely believed they would soon find a large lost arctic continent to which this Viking colony may have migrated, which studies of Arctic ocean tides and currents indicated exists. The Navy even outfitted a dirigible named the ZR-1 to search out this hidden land, but unfortunately it crashed!
The Disney movie, The Island at the Top of the World (30th Anniversary Edition), most likely was based on Lt. Green's theory that there was an island at up near the north pole where the lost Viking colonies migrated to.  But, as revealed by Olaf Jansen, it is not an island, but the inner continent within the north polar opening.
Is that the South Polar Opening in this RADARSAT NASA image of Antarctica?
-- Using radar, a NASA satellite during the spring of 1997 has photographed the Antarctic continent. Close to the center of the image is what looks like could be the South Polar Opening, an area of little reflectivity. I have place a red circle on a copy of the image next to the first in the link above to indicate where it seems to me that the South Polar Opening is located. It is located in the same area as the Apollo 17 earth photo showing Antarctica and what I believe could be the South Polar Opening of Earth. Here is an image of Antarctica showing the longitude and latitude lines.  I estimate the dark circular area in the RadarSat image which I believe could be the South Polar Opening.
Hollow Earth Society (formerly the International Society for a Complete Earth)
-- Danny Weiss and his Hollow Earth Society hopes to re-enact Admiral Richard E. Byrd's historical flight to the North Pole of May 1928 from Spitsbergen.
Flying Saucer Technology is now available.
--An ideal choice of craft for exploring the hollow nature of planets would be a flying saucer.
As inadvertently discovered by English inventor, Professor Robert R. R. Searl, flying saucer technology is now available. Minimum cost estimates for constructing a man-carrying craft starts at $1 million dollars. Cruising speed is 10,000 miles an hour up to the velocity of light. The craft exhibits complete control of gravity giving it unlimited range. A force field surrounding the craft allows it to fly in a vacuum repelling anything in its path. A gravity force of 1/2 g inside the craft provides comfortable living conditions for its occupants. With complete gravity control, occupants feel no inertial g forces inside even with 90 degree or 180 degree course changes without change in velocity. You are invited to check out the progress being made as Prof. Searl's technology works towards completion.
An ancient Mercator map depicts the Lost Garden of Eden at the North Pole
--Could someone anciently have had a faint recollection from some unknown scriptural writings of the actual location of the Lost Garden of Eden? This map shows the Lost Garden of Eden on a high mountain at the north pole. Or is this the map makers attempt to show the Lost Garden of Eden inside Our Hollow Earth looking through the north polar opening? The abundant waters that flow from the Garden of Eden divide into four rivers that flow to the four cardinal points of the compass.
This Mercator's map of the arctic appeared first as a vignette in his 1569 world map atlas. The arctic had yet to be explored at the time Mercator created his map and is, therefore, based upon commonly held beliefs about the region. Mercator's map inspired explorers like the Englishman Martin Frobisher to seek a northwest passage to China.
If the earth is not hollow and the Garden of Eden does not still exist on its interior, then why would Isaiah say that in the Last Days that God, ...shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the FOUR CORNERS of the earth? (Isaiah 11:12) The only four corners that the earth has is the navel of the earth where a great artesian fountain of water flows and then divides into four rivers that flow towards the four cardinal points of the compass. No such location exists on the earth's exterior, so it must be located within.
Admission by NASA scientists that the solar wind causing the aurora comes from the poles, not the sun!
-- In a NASA article titled, Polar Fountains fill Magnetosphere with Ions, two NASA scientists, Drs. Rick Chappell and Barbara Giles admit that evidence from polar satellites indicates that energetic ions accelerating upward from both poles cause the auroras to light up and continue out in space to fill the earth's magnetosphere, including the Van Allen Radiation Belts. The accelerating mechanism is not understood because NASA scientists have yet to admit the earth is hollow with an interior sun that emits these energetic ions through the polar openings to light up the auroras and fill the Van Allen Radiation Belts.
The Smoky God, the Sun inside Our Hollow Earth
-- Read the moving story of Olaf Jansen, a Norwegian fisherman, as he relates the account of the discovery in 1829 he and his father made of the North Polar Opening located northeast of Franz Josef Land which led them into the Hollow Earth where they were taken in by the friendly giant people who live there, ancestors of the Vikings who found this hidden land 2500 years ago, led there by a prophet of God.
They are very advanced scientifically, the owners of the flying saucer craft seen around the world but more so in the Arctic and Antarctic. They believe the sun inside our hollow earth, which Olaf called the Smoky God from its appearance, is actually the throne of Jehovah, the God of the ancient Israelites from whom the Vikings sprang. They are the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel, -- now found inside Our Hollow Earth!
Cassini Images of Saturn

-- Several images beamed back to earth from the Cassini space probe to Saturn show interesting anomalies that could be indications of hollow planets.  For instance, look at what NASA calls a "sharply defined circular feature" at Saturn's south pole.
-- Titan, one of Saturn's largest moon's, one of the few moon's in the solar system to have a significant atmosphere, has an interesting upwelling of bright clouds at its south pole.  NASA scientists speculate that it may be associated with a feature on the ground which causes wind with moisture raising up into the atmosphere and then condensing out into clouds.  One image of Titan's south pole seems to indicate these bright bubbling clouds are lighted from beneath.
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